So I built my PC a couple of weeks ago. I had been using it fine for 4-5 days. One day, I switched my PC off after some work, but the next day it wouldn't turn on. I tried everything, like removing the cables and connecting them back, and slapping my PC. But it just wouldn't turn on. So I took it to the shop where I bought the parts, and he took a look at it and told me that my motherboard short circuited due to a loose screw or some metal. In other words, he effectively blamed the mistake on me because i built the PC. Now I dont recall of any loose screws, and how would a motherboard short circuit without power? As I said before, I switched off my PC after another normal day and the next day, it wouldnt turn on. That means it must have short circuited sometime between those 2 periods, which is impossible because I never tampered with it then. So my question is, did my motherboard actually get short circuited because of some metal or did I receive a defective motherboard while building my PC? Motherboard- MSI H410 PRO VH. (Btw, they replaced my motherboard so thats a relief.)