MotherBoard W/ 3 power led pins and Case has 2 power led


May 16, 2017
Hello there, i am sort of new to pc building and would like to ask a few questions while building my own one..... My case : NZXT s340 Elite, My motherboard : Aorus z270x-gaming k5.
So, my motherboard comes with a power led+, and 2 power led-, while the case comes with only 1 power led+, and 1 power led- i want to know where to plug them in since the motherboard manual tells me to plug in 2 power led- , but i dont have 2 , i have 1... Please Help Me as soon as u see this ... Thanks!

Didn't you read the first sentence in my reply?

"If your computer case only has a two pin power indicator LED connector then use PLED+ and PLED- F_PANEL header pins."

Pins 2 and 4 in the in the GA-Z270X-Gaming K5 User's Manual...

okay thank you for making that clear, but how do i know which pin the power led- goes to because the manual doesnt show me or i am just dumb
If your computer case only has a two pin power indicator LED connector then use PLED+ and PLED- F_PANEL header pins.

If your computer case has a three pin power indicator LED connector then use the PWR_LED+, PWR_LED-, PWR_LED- F_PANEL header pins.

Some computer cases use a two color power LED indicator:


okay but does it matter which power led - pin i use or do i just plug it into one of the 2

Didn't you read the first sentence in my reply?

"If your computer case only has a two pin power indicator LED connector then use PLED+ and PLED- F_PANEL header pins."

Pins 2 and 4 in the in the GA-Z270X-Gaming K5 User's Manual:


Thanks alot! sorry for not reading your sentence but, how do i put them? on which side? the side of the text or the one without the text, people say there should be an arrow telling me, but i really do not see an arrow on any of the cables