Mounting SSD's to a PSU?


Nov 3, 2014
Title says it all really, planning a new sff build but im limited for space for hard drives.
Would mounting An SSD to the backplate of the PSU be dodgy? any static in the psu enclosure would circulate the entire case anyway as its aluminum. And if the housing were to go live data loss would be the least of my worries....
Any glaringly obvious faults with this that i'm missing? could heat be an issue?
In any case, the PSU is probably the last place I'd consider. But if you have no other 4x3" space....go for it. It probably won't kill it. Just don't block any vent holes or the fan intake.
Keep in mind that a PSU gives off heat which may potentially lead to failure of your SSD. Although some have a fan which may potentially increase the longevity of your SSD.

I'd be intrigued, if you do install it monitor it under stress and see how it performs with a heat gun.
I want to fit a large radiator in it, to do this i have to remove all but one of the drive bays.
Yes i can velcro it to a side panel, but all the side panels are removable and would need to be
removed to work on the case, not the biggest issue seeing as its velcro but it would nice not
to have to fanny around with a loose ssd everytime i want to open it up.
I have literally considered ever possible position, only choices are side panel or on the back of
the psu. hence asking what the drawbacks would be.
The psu does have 120mm fan in it, one of the few in the case. but i imagine it will still get hot. AIO 120mm...I don't consider 'large'.