Mouse freezing/glitching in 8.1.


Oct 27, 2013
Hi all,

Recently I've been experiencing much mouse lag in Windows 8.1. First I thought that it might be something with my mouse (it's wireless, over 3 years old now and the USB part's plastic is a bit broken off).
So I change the batteries, nothing. I boot up my old laptop, everything works fine (even the DPI change button works perfectly, as it doesn't do anything in 8.1).
I reboot, the issue goes away, but only for a few minutes. I also tried in my bios, where it keeps working even after half an hour.

Now, I went to Google. I checked all my disks, tried every BIOS setting that could have anything to do with it, I search for the Windows Update that was supposed to fix the issue (though it always says that it is not available for my system when I try to install).
I turned to regedit, a thing I rarely do. I tried different rarreg files from the web, still nothing (the MarkC ones were all tried).

Everything worked fine on W7, so it must be a Windows 8.1 issue!
The mouse is a Trust 17177, the PC is a GA-H87m-D3H mobo, i5-4440 CPU, 4GB RAM, GTX660 (Gigabyte OC), all drivers for everything are up to date. Windows scaling set to "125%, for all displays" (though I only have one, 23" 1080p, via HDMI).

The lag has now turned into the mouse freezing and occasionally cooperating (though it jumps at least 5 centimeters with each move when it does). Again, it works perfectly on boot (though not every boot -- sometimes the freeze is there from the start), though it then starts jumping and freezes, only to be unfreezed every few minutes or so, when it jumps.

I can only thank my young self for learning all the keyboard combos that have helped me write this (as the mouse is frozen again).

Thank you and best regards,

i have the same problem. My mouse works on windows 7. If i plug my mouse into usb 2.0 it works fine ( but this is a huge problem when gaming and what not) but in a usb 3.0 outlet it stops working after less than a minute