Question Mouse not working all of the sudden

PC Drew02

Feb 1, 2016
Hello! I have been using a cooler master mouse on my computer for the past couple years, no issues. Its a self built PC. I have unplugged my mouse multiple times in the past and it always goes right back to working when I plug it back in. The scroll wheel just broke so I bought a new mouse, the corsair scimitar. I figured it would be "plug and play" so I unplugged my old mouse and slapped the corsair in. However, the corsair mouse didn't seem to work. Windows said it was "set up and ready to go", but there was no cursor and the RGB was not on on the mouse. I figured restarting it might help, so I did, and while the computer was first booting up, the RGB on the mouse came on, indicating it works. Yet it turned off once the computer booted and no cursor appeared. I tried different usb ports and restarting multiple times. I figured I would just plug in the old mouse for now, but now I am having the same issue. The RGB on the old mouse stays on, but there is no cursor or movement. I updated the drivers for both mice, restarted PC in Safe mode, and still no luck. I also went through device manager and went to the mice properties, but neither mice are showing up. I am extremely confused because I know the cooler master mouse worked 20 minutes ago lol. Suggestions on how to fix this?