Moving Win7 key files to SSD


Apr 24, 2007
I just put together a new system with the following storage configuration:

Disk 0 = Fusion I/O 160GB SSD Card - D: and E: Partitions
Disk 1 = OCZ Vortex II 128GB SSD - C: Drive BOOT PARTITION and Win7 SP1 Install
Disk 2 = WD HDD 1TB - F: partition for data

The Fusion IO card works great, very fast, but there is no way to boot windows from it.

OK, no boot, so I want to use them to speed up Window7 SP1.

1) What are the things I can do in Window7 configuration, that would allow Win7 to run faster?

2) My understanding is that I can do some page/swap setting changes, but how and what would I have to do?

3) Also, Can I install Adobe CS3 on the Fusion IO drive, and also put it's temp file location on the same partition?



Yes you can do stuff like disable indexing, disable system restore that speed things up. HERE is a guide to optimizing ssds that is pretty good.

If you have a lot of ram, you will rarely if ever use the paging file so you can even move it to your hdd. Some don't even keep one, but I do just in case -- don't want a bsod.

You can install programs to your Fusion IO and once the program is installed check that the temp files are also directed there either during install or later through program preferences depending on the program.


Nov 11, 2010
Yes, ALWAYS advised to do a fresh install. One of the most common problems in Win7 migration to SSD seems to be the migration causing unexpected results, which is solved through a fresh install in any event.