MSI 970 GAMING VRM heatsink?


Nov 23, 2014
I have a AMD FX 6300 with a motherboard where the VRM's aren't heatsinked, so it heats up really quickly which causes enourmous framerate drops.
Is the MSI 970 GAMING the motherboard I'm looking for?

Thanks in advance!

Yup. first off without heatsinks to dissipate heat extra fans may slow the problem SLIGHTLY but not enough to notice. And it...

Thanks for the quick reply, but I've been discussing it lateley and one solution might be that buy a new case ( ) which comes with one case fan, and put 2 more on the roof of my case. ( )

Is that an option? I have a 420 watt PSU, is that enough?

Depends, What is the brand and model of the PSU? And what is the rest of your system specs?

Case and fan are excellent choices, but your problem may also be your PSU not giving enough voltage, this can cause heat issues int he VRM's (aside from there being too few especially if you overclock)


I dont know the brand of the PSU, it's just a standard PSU 420 watt that I got with my case.
My specs: CPU: AMD FX-6300
GPU: MSI Geforce GTX 750TI.
Motherboard: MSI 760GM-P23(FX)
I won't be overclocking.

Also, I want to buy these case fans ( ) since they're more quiet.

How is my PSU the problem? My VRM's on my motherboard aren't heatsinked, so I thought that was my problem.

If you aren't overclocking that chip should work fine on a non VRM heatsinked motherboard. Unless your PSU is a bit weak, then the lack of consistent voltage could cause the VRMs to overheat trying to deliver what the CPU wants.

I would put a quality PSU in there before replacing the motherboard.

Which one do you suggest? I see this one: but I dont know if 450 Watt is enough.


Thats the cheapest one I would buy there. I looked through all of them. The quality difference between the one you picked and that one is a world of difference.

If you can afford a gaming PC you can afford to properly power it, PSU's are the #1 overlooked item in building one, and they have the most impact on stability and performance of anything.


If I only buy new fans, will my problem still exist?

Yup. first off without heatsinks to dissipate heat extra fans may slow the problem SLIGHTLY but not enough to notice. And it doesn't cure the actual problem, that you have a cheap PSU that probably isn't even providing the wattage it says. Now your system doesn't need a ton of power, but AMD FX chips are power hungry. This processor maxes out your board (it tops at 95w power delivery) and that said FX processors can draw more under full load. Its a common problem.

Now your best situation would be to replace the PSU and the board, but with only the choice of 1 if you do the PSU it will at least give everything the board can handle for your processor, that should clear up your issue.


Thanks man, I will order a PSU in one week. I will check back and tell when the problem is solved or still occurs.
But I think I will buy the CX one, because some other guy on a different forum said it is a pretty good PSU.

I have one more question. Is it a good idea to buy a PSU secondhand?

CX is a roll of the dice. They have a lot of problems here. It may work for you, but if you ever buy a better GPU it will very likely fail. They just can't stand up to a lot of power draw. I would recommend against it.

I would only buy secondhand from someone you really trust and only if its a very high end unit. Don't forget a bad one can destroy all your equipment.

This is the one second hand:
I've also seen these ones:

Okay, Thanks for the help mate. I will see if I can buy it in a week. I will check back on this thread when it's working or not.
Happy Holidays

Ok good luck

I found another one, and since I dont think I will upgrade my GPU anytime soon, I chose a 450 Watt one.

This would be fine and will support some GPU upgrades

What kind of GPU upgrades? from a GTX 750 TI to a GTX 950? is that an upgrade?

You could run a GTX 960 with that PSU