MSI A55M-P33 FM1 no post with video card


Jul 2, 2014
Motherboard: MSI A55M-P33 FM1
CPU: A6-6400K
GPU: Radeon HD 3870x2
PSU: OCZ StealthX 500 watt

I can't get it to show video on the 3870x2 no matter what I set the PEG/IGD to.

If I remove the card, it posts and runs fine with the on-board.

I've tested the 3870x2 in my other machine and it runs fine in it.

Anybody got any ideas?
First of all - that board doesn't support your APU!

6400k ->fm2 / fm2+ socket
A55m-p33 - fm1

That card is a long one and might not fit in the slot properly. My guess is either the A55 chipset heatsink (silver one) is in the way or the SATA cables. Make sure you unplug any sata cables and see if the card fits better in the slot.

Also make sure you plug your monitor into the 3870 and not the igp.
I've had problems before with a similar board (a55m-e33) not posting with a r9 280x and aside from the sata cable there was also a bios reset involved so you can also try that. It simply did not post until a bios reset even tho settings were default.