MSI Claims Most Affordable X58 Motherboard

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Be careful with this motherboard, many of them are being sent back for RMA, including mine and plenty of customer that have ordered the board off newegg (see comments section).
still... i gonna wait another year(or maybe half) before i move to ddr3 platform since the cost of ddr3 memory still make hole in my pocket however this is a good news indeed,or maybe just wait until am3 platform come out
sill, DDR3 is cheap... 6GB for 180-200 bucks ... when a year and a half ago it would have been amazing to get 4 GB of DDR2 for that price... i don't see why you are complaining.
Still a rip. There's almost negligible performance differences between motherboards, even between different chipsets. Pay for reputation (of mfr.) and features that you need. I, personally, wouldn't pay more than $130 for a motherboard. Which is why I'm holding off on the Core i7 until MB manufacturers drop it down to P45 price levels.
I wish just once the more expensive mbds would include PCI64/66
or PCIX instead of boring PCI32/33. If these are supposed to be
aimed at 'enthusiasts', isn't it likely that a fair few such
people will want to mess around with PCI options that need more
than just 32bit PCI to really fly? (eg. SCSI RAID, FC, etc.)

Thankfully, ASUS has an i7 board with PCIX, which is probably the
one I'll be getting in the summer. Strangely, it's no more costly
than most other i7 mbds, though a fair bit more than the new MSI.


Although I still would avoid MSI, they are cheap for a reason. ECS, Foxconn, ASRock, Zotac, and of course ASUS and Gigabyte are better buys. MSI is SERIOUSLY LACKING in anything considered support, BIOS updates, forget it. Warranty, they'll put off answering untill the warranty is expired. "MSI likes to die" remember this! They are an overpriced POS (even if it is an X58 board). Wait for Gigabyte or ASUS to come down in price, at least with them you don't get the answering machine (you get to speak to an actual person). MSI can claim all they want, 99.999999999999999999999999999999% of their boards aren't even worth spitting on.

I have the MSI eclipse X58 and it is a great board, i have used the Asus P6T delux also, for me the MSI board overclocks easier, the wife has the Asus board... And the MSI board comes with a very sweet sound card... No problems with it so far...
MSI can claim all they want, 99.999999999999999999999999999999% of their boards aren't even worth spitting on.

In your opinion right? I would rather have MSI parts than anything OEM from Dell or HP
I must say, I was very pleased with the Asrock AM2/AGP board I
bought a coupla years ago (AM2NF3-VSTA nForce 3). I wasn't
expecting much (the board was less than $60) but it performed
superbly, giving results with a 6000+ and X1950Pro AGP card that
outperformed scores on review sites which used much more
expensive PCIe mbds fitted with the PCIe version of the X1950
(I got 5583 3DMark06). Likewise, my second mbd (ASUS M2N32 WS
Pro) has also been really good (11762 3DMark06 with a 6000+ and
an 8800GT).

I had the impression beforehand that Asrock was regarded as a
supplier of somewhat lesser quality parts, but looks can be

I'm sure there are those here who've done well with MSI boards.
Everyone has their own experiences. What I discovered is that
one does not need an expensive mbd to obtain good results.


I'm hoping they come out with a P55 or something similar. I know there's a new 1066 socket coming out but I would like tri channel memory but don't really need SLI or crossfire.
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