shanetemple14 :
Martin Lomax :
shanetemple14 :
Martin Lomax :
shanetemple14 :
Martin Lomax :
shanetemple14 :
Martin Lomax :
shanetemple14 :
Martin Lomax :
Hello, I have came to look advice, Does anyone have any information regarding this GPU?
I have the opportunity to pick one up for £600 on Saturday, and whilst adding it into pcpartpicker doesn't throw up any issues with my build, I'd be grateful if someone could look it over and double check I am not making a mistake.
Ignore the BenQ monitor, I have a additional monitor i plan on using.
There are no compatibility issues at all with that config. be sure to add a good CPU cooler to that list however as the 5820k does not come with a stock cooler (simply because Intel know that it will not cool that CPU effectively)
As i am uneducated in the world of pc building, this system was already purchased, and i am told the CPU has a liquid cooler, Is their anyway I am able to check which one is added without pulling wires out?
I'm a little confused, do you already have the system with you now? Who told you the CPU comes with a cooler. Please give me information on if you have the build with you now.
i have it all minus the gpu
Ok but you obviously are not using it now due to there being no on board GPU on that CPU. That CPU is an enthusiast grade CPU and therefore would not benefit from a stock cooler. That is why Intel does not provide one, did you build this system yourself or did you pick the parts out and ask someone to build it? Or is everything still in the box? The CPU should have no cooler at all so im not sure where you have heard that it comes with a water cooler.
Hmmm, I am sure i was told the CPU is watercooled I could me mistaken, I am using itn ow, but the graphics card is rubbish its a 750 i bel8ieve
Okay so you are using a dedicated GTX 750. Yes that card is very budget and a very uncommon pairing with that CPU haha. That CPU does not come with a water cooler unless you installed it yourself or someone else did it for you. A simple way to check is to simply open up the case and if there is a big metal heatsink (metal chunk with slices in it) with a fan sitting on it then that is aircooled. If it has a small circle or square block that is a little bigger than the CPU itself with pipes coming from it then it is water cooled. A picture of the inside of your PC would be best
Here is a picture of the computer system, I need to give it a good clean, Am i right in thinking I will be best purchasing some Air Duster and spraying that around the inside of the system in a controlled manor to best do this?
Yes thats a corsair AIO watercooler. In terms of cleaning if you have a leaf blower handy then that will be fine to use just makes sure the PC is not connected to the mains. If you have heard a rumour of leaf blowers causing damage then that is a myth and is simply false and spreads incorrect info among the PC community. It has been tested that it is safe

If you want to use compressed air then that is also another good method of cleaning your PC. Just be sure to always keep the can level and never turn it on its side or bottom as the liquid will come out and spray all over your components and that would be bad haha. Avoid blowing on your components as you can often blow moisture over your components which could cause harm.
That's great, Thank you for that information, No leaf blower present
As for the GPU in question, will it fit? if so, where in the system does it go? I was hoping to research online where it goes in tyhe system and trying to add it in myself.. If possible can you highlight the area in paint or something?
Thank you so much for your help