MSI GTX 550 ti(Fermi) vs XFX HD 5770

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No need to be rude, don't get you panties in a bunch, there is no way that the overall performance is a good as you make it sound.

first you say the 450 "maxes out" (as anyone can plainly see) BFBC2, that is really were you started to go horribly wrong making that statement and then suggesting "fodder cards" as someone put it.

This is for the benefit of the OP to help make their new purchase
Ok, Still a gtx 550 is going to be slightly better then a 5770 in some way in other its not its a toss up. IMO get a gtx 550ti if that all you can afford. Otherwise save up for a better card gtx 570/6950 Or somewhere along those lines. Even a 5870 will be a good choice they are all on rebate if you can afford roughly 150-180$.
yeah I agree that it is better (barley) then a 5770 and it costs around 20-30 more so its a toss up. C'mon you have no rebuttle for the gts 450 "maxs/is fine" argument? You tell me I don't know jack *** then when I explain where I am coming from you say nothing, what is you opinion on the matter?
The 460 1gb model is a great card at that price. On the other hand it's a Sparkle brand, which I forgot existed after a few years but I generally don't like their cooling and design take on models.
Over the 550 vs 5770, the 5770 is slightly cheaper (although you'll find many equally priced to some 550ti models) to a 550 while remaining better under power and cooling. If it's a toss up between a 120$ to 120$ card, the 550 version would be my choice. Besides that you have the generic Nvidia stuff such as CUDA support and mainly stable drivers. But if a 5770 model is less than 10$ of the 550 then the 5770 would be my choice simply due to lower power and heat.
Can you please post what components you have inside your PC before we start giving you advice?
You might end up buying a 6970 and install it on a P4 platform (ha ha ha).

EDIT: if you can not afford a better card the guys that do not like the trashy middle end cards will help you buy an enthusiast card(irony).

Not admiting it it does max it mabye not 60fps at all times but i dont see any lag.

With the sparkle at $125 AR and the 768mb version at 115 AR yes.
But generally the 1gb version is around $160 and the 768 around $110.
I see no reason why people should stay away from it in the normal scenario...
6-7 % more performance, generally for 40% more cost..
But in this case, the $10 difference for 6-7% more performance is justified, but comparing a 460 768 to a 5770...

Hardly flattering.. generally 20-25% difference, sometimes more.. for only $10 less~
Lots of people give examples from that site but i would not thrust their results that much. Not once the numbers ware different from other sites even toms(and mine, owning a 5770). Example mass effect 2, i play it at 1080p with all maxed out at above 50fps usually 55-60 even in most demanding places. My video card has a slight overclock and i have a E6750 at 3.4Ghz not some fancy quad i7, and 2gb of ram.

And yes, if you can afford buy better. Not all games work at 1080p with the settings i like with my 5770. Some i play even at 720p to be satisfied with the detail. I like great graphics.

well im currently on a onboard 8100, so I think going from that to a 5770, would be very nice :)

True but as others said if you can make an effort buy something better. Sometimes i wish my card was faster.
I would go with the 460, the price is good and the performance is better then a 550 or a 5770. Ionut and I have a Vapor-x model which overclocks fairly well (early models, newer models do decent amounts of overclocking as well).
So you may not want to bother overclocking your cards, where the 460 will be a great choice even at stock.

Honestly, just buy the $125 sparkle 1GB version of the GTX 460.
It is honestly 10000000x better than the 550Ti and HD 5770..
If you don't believe me LOOK at the benchmarks.
the 768mb version is much the same, check it by changing the graphics cards to compare whatever you want..
If the Sparkle's rebate ends, buy the 768mb card..:

It gives you around 20-25% more FPS than the 5770, and at least 15-20% more than the 550Ti.

Plus its $115..the 5770 only $5/10 cheaper and 20-25% worse, the 550Ti $10 more and worse by 15-20%

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