MSI GTX 780 ti and 4770k inside Bitfenix Prodigy


Jan 10, 2014
Firstly, i would like to say, its been a great pleasure working with you guys. I was able to assemble 2 high end gaming systems, thanks to your support. Its been awesome.

This time, I am aiming to make a Gaming PC that sits inside Bitfenix Prodigy (My friend is a huge fan of it) His application is
ONLY : Gaming, Video Editing.

I have configured all the components as follows, please suggest any substitutes if necessary, which would not hurt the budget(1300-1400 USD) much.

Processor : Core i7 - 4770k
GPU : MSI GTX 780 ti twin frozr
Motherboard : Gigabyte Z87N-WIFI
RAM : Corsair Vengeance 8 GB 1600 MHz CMZ8GX3M1A1600C10 (x2)
SSD : Plextor 256 GB M5S
HDD : Seagate 2 TB ST2000DM001
CPU Cooler : Corsair H100i (yes we are overclocking it, as starters 4.2GHz @ 1.25v?)
PSU : Corsair CS650M 650 Watt power Supply
All housing in Bitfenix Prodigy.

Problems :
1. Will the GPU fit in the Case?

2 The extreme.outerversion PSU Calculator rating on :
High end desktop,
Overclocked intel 4770k,
GTX 780 ti,
2 High RPM HDD,
2 SSD,
4 120 MM fans,
10 USB devices,
Corsair H100,
even with 95 % TDP(i dont even know what that is), it shows me 546 Watts[Recommended]
I am still sticking 650 watts in it, will it be adequate? And good enough? (I have used both corsair and seasonic PSU's and they both seem to run fine so i picked CS650M)

3. Now both Corsair H100i and Nactua NH-D14 fit in it, what will be a better choice? I think H100i can surely push the limits a little more further than D14.

4. Would this be portable enough or transporting it (most probably in the box itself) hurt its components?
Definitely avoid the Prodigy M. Corsair 250D is certainly an alternative to a Prodigy, but it's even wider than a Prodigy (though shorter) and it basically only makes sense with a H100i inside (it has very poor provision for air coolers). It does fit comfortably, but due to the side-mount location, your choice of motherboard is potentially restricted as any connectors along this edge are going to (at best) impede airflow and give you headaches.

Random thoughts-

Devils Canyon (4790K) is here, and it's seriously worth looking at.
Gigabyte Z87N-Wifi is a poor choice of motherboard for an air-cooled Prodigy or a H100i-cooled 250D. In both instances the ASRock or Asus Z87/Z97 boards are a better, if sometimes more expensive, solution due...

Thanks for the reply. I would like to know, how would Corsair 250D do with same components? (H100i or NH-D14)

We ran into a situation. Bitfenix prodigy is not available in our locality, Bitfenix Prodigy M is, and since we already brought M-ITX motherboard, the GPU might not fit due to close PSU mount in it. So we are having second thoughts about buying the M version.

Also, i would like to know if the h100i would fit in the Corsair 250D? (I heard it fits sideways but is it comfortable?)

Definitely avoid the Prodigy M. Corsair 250D is certainly an alternative to a Prodigy, but it's even wider than a Prodigy (though shorter) and it basically only makes sense with a H100i inside (it has very poor provision for air coolers). It does fit comfortably, but due to the side-mount location, your choice of motherboard is potentially restricted as any connectors along this edge are going to (at best) impede airflow and give you headaches.

Random thoughts-

Devils Canyon (4790K) is here, and it's seriously worth looking at.
Gigabyte Z87N-Wifi is a poor choice of motherboard for an air-cooled Prodigy or a H100i-cooled 250D. In both instances the ASRock or Asus Z87/Z97 boards are a better, if sometimes more expensive, solution due to their layouts.
You have no issues with GPU length in a Prodigy or 250D really, and the Twin Frozer isn't the longest cooler around.
It's likely you could run on a lower PSU, but 620-650W isn't a terrible idea by any means.
I'd skip the Corsair, it's not fantastic if you don't need a really short PSU, and with many great alternatives I'd really struggle to find a good argument for buying any Corsair PSUs right now. Anything with a Seasonic or Superflower OEM is pretty much bullet-proof in terms of quality, and that gives you a really nice selection to chose from.
Just to reel off a few - Antec HCG-620M, Rosewill Capstone/Tacyhon 650 (case dependant), XFX XTR650, Seasonic M12 II/G series 650, or if you really want a Corsair, the HX650.

Cool, I will switch my PSU to Antec HCG-620, priced almost the same.

Now Since Corsair 250D is not good for air cooled solutions, what motherboard specifically would fit best with h100i in there? (I saw the 24 pin connection on GA-Z87N and it does seem to be the problem in 250D with h100i, thanks for the heads up)
I am thinking of Asus H87i-Plus?(All connections on side) I dont think it can overclock my 4770k though.
I checked ASRock but unfortunately, the ITX version is not available here.
The Asus H87I-Plus doesn't have Wifi, so if you do need Wifi you'll probably have to go for a Gigabyte GA-H97N-Wifi, Gigabyte GA-B85N-Wifi (these seem to have been really hard to get hold of for some reason), or stepping up to an ASRock Z87E-ITX/Z97E-ITX.
If you want an Asus, there's the Z87I-Pro, Z87I-Deluxe, Z97I-Plus, depending on which country you live in (the Z87 versions are available in EU/US respectively, outside of that I have no idea).

Also, if you aren't overclocking, a H100i (and in some ways, by extension, a 250D) is a huge waste of money.
Can't use a 212 in a 250D (or any reasonably size air cooler for that matter) which is why I said what I did.
If you can find a decent Z87/Z97 board from Asus or ASRock (or even a Gigabyte
GA-Z97N-Wifi) in whatever market you are shopping in, then a 250D+H100i build makes an awful lot more sense
Thank you for all your replies guys, unfortunately the only motherboard i can get my hands on among those you mentioned is Gigabyte GA-Z87N-WIFI.
Yes, i will surely be overclocking it, so avoiding the H87 board.
It kinda seems hard to install the h100i inside 250D but i think its worth the pain, so i will try and install it the best way possible.
I finally came to conclusion and have made changes to the build, yet it is likely i would get the bitfenix prodigy.
But thank you for giving me a back-up plan. Many components now make sense.
Thanks a lot for your support guys, i will send the final message when i have all the components assembled.
So finally, i got msi Z87I AC inside a corsair 250D, with H100i.
Installation was a nightmare, but it is worth all the hassle, the system is so small, no one thinks its got a core i7 and GTX 780ti inside. PSU is Corsair CSM650M.
Now i want to start overclocking, so if you guys know any good guide to overclock my 4770k, kindly tell me.
Thank you for all your help again.

Aside from one thing, my H100i was missing fan connector male to male cables, so i had to plug both the fans on the motherboard instead of the pump itself. Would that hurt the functionality of my system? Temperature stays around 40-50 degrees when i play fifa-14, and 31-35 when i am idling.
Cannot stress this enough. Get a better PSU. You will be overclocking and the PSU will lose 10-20% over the first few years. It's the worst thing to replace 😉

your cpu is really overkill, especially in the heat department for smaller case builds. You should be just as fine to go with a good i5 K processor. Of course if you are doing something hyperthreading specific right RIGHT now then sure, do the i7. Right now it's just bling and hot bling at that.

The 780ti should fit fine inside a prodigy, youll just be removing the middle drive bays, but you can't seriously need that many bays anyhow 😀

Thanks for the reply Sir, but kinda late for modifications now. I already got my rig up and running with Ci7 4770k + h100i, and 780 ti [MSI], and as of PSU, i change PSU's usually in 1 and a half year anyways, so if i experience any power crisis, then i will take appropriate steps, but for now, CSM650 is doing great. (not overclocked yet, didn't had time)

Thanks again.