tajisi :
It's an incremental step in the right direction. That being said, being able to load large texture packs would be useful. As for having no benefit to the extra memory, well, that gets said every two or so years. Then a game pulls a GTA IV and starts gobbling up the VRAM. Fidelity increases are not necessarily keyed to polygon count or overall scene complexity. Tech luddites are always griping that we can't make use of this, that no, extra of that is pointless. Ignore it and go on.
I had a friend who griped that around the time of GTA IV saying that quad core CPUs were useless due to blah blah blah threading and bandwidth. I could play the game. He couldn't.
I had a friend who griped that around the time of GTA IV saying that quad core CPUs were useless due to blah blah blah threading and bandwidth. I could play the game. He couldn't.
Those are really good points. I'm not super technical with gaming; I prefer to read the experts and formulate my own opinion. That being said the next generation of consoles going for that 60 FPS target is a good thing. So is large texture packs to go along with the possible 3-5 GB of RAM for the GPU. From the article I posted though it looks likes these targets are going to be achieved in the same manner as the current gen - by sacrificing AA or some trickery, read "optimization." That will leave the PC gamers in the same position they've always been in with superior control over their games content and graphics quality.
The one "ace up the sleeve" may in fact be the XBox One that everyone was complaining about. With their cloud infrastructure to support the platform developers may be able to offload certain workflows into the "cloud" and keep up for longer with PC's. Unless something drastically changes with Intel, AMD, and Nvidia CPU components today should be on par if not better than what will be coming out for consoles this holiday season. As the article I posted stated, the demo was shown on one GTX 680 whereas the console version lacked all the effects. Who knows what kind of cards will be around in 7-10 years when they are retiring the PS4 and XB One.