MSI Notebook GPU Upgradability

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May 7, 2014
Hey guys,

I'm wondering if the GPU on MSI GS70 Shealth Pro (GTX 870m)

or MSI GT70 2PC Dominator (GTX 870m)

or MSI GT70 2PE Dominator Pro (GTX 880m) GPU is upgradable or not? and how to know? i mean where are the reference to look forward or to gather information from

I would like to know in more details

Thank you
Well for laptop gpu upgrade... a great rule of thumb here is "don't bother", because gpu upgradability is only available to some premium laptops with premium price tags, therefore only a handful of available or even just one gpu upgrade can be done on that laptop.
The price of that gpu will also be exceptionally high due to lack of competition, and the added benefits are not always major.
yes they are upgradable and can be done quick easy. if you open the back the cpu and gup have heat seat that a connected together after removing the heat sink there only 1 screw holding in each I believe. so if you buy it and in the next 5 years you want to upgrade yeas you can both cpu and gpu.,3545-5.html

diagram of gpu/cpu heat sinks:

howto take apart gt70:
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