MSI or EVGA or ASUS GTX 1050 Ti


Jul 11, 2015
Hey guys,

I am thinking what is the best brand, im looking for the best cooling/performance per dollar.
I want to get an AMD RX 470/480 but they don't have good brands only powercolor, i think in my place they are NVIDIA biased lol and GTX 1060 is op here its like 130$ more

So im thinking what is the best gpu brand i can buy

ASUS GTX 1050 Ti Strix 4GB - $ 201.66
MSI GTX 1050 Ti Gaming X 4GB - $ 195.78
EVGA GTX 1050 Ti 4GB SSC - $ 186.76

thanks in adavance! :)

How about durability? That is also the one that im looking cause i'm saving money for other after i buy graphics card. And one more thing, is getting an 1050 ti worth? I really want to get RX 470/480 but only powercolor is available and i read something about it having bad PCB and i dont want that illuminati logo in backplate.

Okay thanks, can i ask a last question? I saw that 1060 3gb dual (not strix) is only 40$ difference. Which can be a better bang? ASUS GTX 1050 Ti STRIX (good cooler, good oc, durable) or ASUS 1060 dual 3gb (the white version, less ram, idk). I play dota 2/csgo and slightly ultra graphic game. Thank you again im using 1080p rsolution btw