MSI P965 Platinum overclocks poorly.

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Thanks for the help everyone. I'm going to live with my E6600 @ 3.0Ghz, at least until the next BIOS update. Like Cappster, my memory will only operate @ 533Mhz or 800Mhz. No matter what settings I try, it won't boot above 350 FSB (3,150Ghz). I should have gone for an ABIT.

Still, I have a 25% overclock and the system runs both silent and cool. The components I have will be good for a CPU / Motherboard upgrade in a year or so's time. I won't be replacing the motherboard now for a little extra performance - better to save the money for a "full" upgrade later.
F2 orbit, can you post your settings for me? You know as far as all of your settings for NB voltage, cpu voltage, c1e stepping and all of that good stuff. I don't know if it is something that I need to disable or enable to help me get over the hump.

RJ, How did you drop your multiplier to x7 on the P965 platinum?


You can't adjust the multiplier on your board? That kinda bites. I just looked at MSI webpage...BIOS isn't even listed for your mobo. I guess my advice is to wait for MSI to catch up to everyone else who makes P965 chipset.

Gee, for $10 more you coulda had a mobo that ACTUALLY overclocks. Sorry dude.

That is what I get for listening to Tom and the "editors choice" for a motherboard. It is ok though. I am still a noob overclocker and this was my first "true" experience in the art of OCing.

If anything, I can get a new board and just save the one I have for a secondary machine. :twisted: I already have some ddr2 533 laying around. I plan on upgrading to the next gen 8series from nvidia or see what ati has to offer for dx10. May just slip a new mobo in there too.

Thank god for high limit credit cards!
That is what I get for listening to Tom and the "editors choice" for a motherboard. It is ok though. I am still a noob overclocker and this was my first "true" experience in the art of OCing.

If anything, I can get a new board and just save the one I have for a secondary machine. :twisted: I already have some ddr2 533 laying around. I plan on upgrading to the next gen 8series from nvidia or see what ati has to offer for dx10. May just slip a new mobo in there too.

Thank god for high limit credit cards!

I imagine when MSI wonders why their Platinum board is not selling in the volumes that the competitors are, they'll get off their asses and give you guys a BIOS that actually lets you OC and drop the multiplier like every other board. I guess patience is warranted here. :?
My system is :

- Mobo MSI 965P Platinum
- RAM 1GB Kit ( 2x512MB) Corsair DDR2 PC2-5300 (667MHZ) ( Part Number VS512MB667D2 )
- CPU Intel E6300Core 2 Duo
- VGA Asus 7600GT PCIe
- 2 SATAII 250GB Seagate

I tried to overlock my system follow F2 Orbit guide but instead FSB 375 i did at 350. Also i did the VCore to : 1.45V , edit my RAM to 4-4-4-12 and it run smooth at FSB 350MHz. Beside that i didn't touch anything in CMOS. And my system is running at speed 2449.7MHz with Bus Speed 350 MHz and Rated FSB is 1399.8MHz. I using the original Intel Fan that come with the CPU and my CPU degree is : 68C.. Is it too hot ? :?

I wonder is that the best for my system or can any one here can advise me a better OC for my system. By the way i still dont know how to OC the PCIe with my system. Any suggestion will be very appriciate ! 😀 Thanks !
In my system raising Vcore above +0.05 only increases CPU heat not stability. 68 is pretty high, too high for me. Try lowering your Vcore to reduce heat.
So with a system like mine , how far i can OC my system ? Should i buy a new Cooler for my CPU ? ( According to Tomshardware OC guide for E6300, they said we don't need any extra Cooler , just use the stock INtel Fan and the degree still be ok after OC.. so weird ! 8O ).. Should i buy a new RAM for my system to reach the highest + stable speed ? Any expert can give me some advise ? Thanks..

My system is :

- Mobo MSI 965P Platinum
- PSU 500w
- RAM 1GB Kit ( 2x512MB) Corsair DDR2 PC2-5300 (667MHZ) 5-5-5-15 ( Part Number VS512MB667D2 )
- CPU Intel E6300Core 2 Duo
- VGA Asus 7600GT PCIe
- 2 SATAII 250GB Seagate
Im Put together a system recently
PD915 Pressler
G.Skill DDR2 800
WD Baracuda 320
ATI X1950 Pro

This system is "fairly" stable most of the time without OC. After several hours of gaming fullscreen apps will just shut down. Works pretty well,
the second i make any changes to clock speed weather in BIOS or the crappy MSI software Dual Cell or somthing like that system crashes. I tried to use the "wakeup" function in the Cell program and even that crashed the system. like everyone else here im pretty disapointed with this Highly towted MB and the suport for it. How Is it that all the reviewers said this was "OUR" board and the ratio of happy to un-happy seems to be skwed to the latter dramaticaly?

Has anyone found a way to atleat get the software to work with this MB?
I can't even get the dual cell software to run. I wouldn't use that junk at all for OCing. Make sure to have a fsb/mem ratio of 1:1 or 2:3. Anything else and your system probably won't boot (in my experience). Also, make sure you have the latest drivers for everything. I use live update so it is pretty easy to get all of the latest drivers.


Jeg har et andet problem. Når jeg bruger CPUZ 139 så står min Multiplier på 6x og Core speed på ca. 1680Mhz ?? Har slået både Speedsteep og Spread spectrum og enda Vanderpool fra. Har ingen ide om hvad det skulle gøre.
men jeg læste et sted at når man slog Spread Spectrum og Speedsteep fra, så ville procesooren køre full speed. Altså de 2.66Ghz min CPU er (E6700)
Men i CPUZ programmet kan jeg altså se at den selv skifter mellem multiplieren og core speeden. Altså kan spread spectrum jo ikke være slået fra, vel ??? Forstår ikke en skid. Jeg vil meget gerne havde den til at stå 10x multiplier hele tiden og ikke det der automatiske system.
Hvad kan jeg gøre ?? please.


Damn. english ofcause ... lol

My problem is this. I just got a MSI 965 platinum and a E6700 CPU.
But when i check the little apps called CPU-Z then i can se my multiplier is only at 6x instead og 10x as default and core speed around 1600Ghz
I did turn of the 3 thing in BIOS setup. Spread Spectrum, Speedsteep and the vanderpool. I tought that would keep my CPU running at full speed all time. But it dosent. Its still in auto mode i can see in CPUZ
I need some help here please. I dont want to use that processor cycling auto mode, i want it at 2.66Ghz all time.
Can anybody help her please.


All Conroe CPU come with tech EIST. SO it will auto change the default multiplier of that CPU to lowest one to save energy and decrease heat. When the CPU under heavy unload EIST will automatic up the multiplier to your OC stas again. I dont think MSI P965 board have the option in BIOS to disable this tech...
Hi. Ah i see.
Then i understand better. I tought it was strange i coulden chance this setting. Is it only with MSI P965 Platinum boards or all boards ?

Hi there guys, thought I would try and revamp this thread as i am still running this damned motherboard and have had the same issues did any of you come to any sort of conclusion of the best settings for a nice OC of at least 3.0ghz ? and if so would it be possible to post the setup you had ?

Also when putting in the manul RAM timings what the hell do i put for the rest of the options? TRFC, TWR, TWTR, TRRD, TRTP ?
for some reason every time i put in my Reccomended RAM timings (4-4-4-12) i have a fail reboot...

Any help would be great cheers guys!

Hi R3aCt0r M1nd

I have mine running at 3.0ghz. But will have to get back to you on the settings perhaps tonight.

I am no expert in OC'ing, and have not put it through any rigorous testing, but so far for several months, have not had a crash.

When I start up my pc tonight I will hopefully remember to write the settings down, and post them here again.


i took some screen shots of each screen in the bios, hope it helps, let me know if you find a better way to OC.





Awesome m8, seems i did have the same sort of settings although i didnt have the memory hole settings to 15-16mb didnt have one at all perhaps this is what was causing the issues, not sure.

I got my new sticks of RAM today OCZ titanium edition 4gb kit (4-4-4-15) So im assuming the rest of the settings apart from TRFC will be 15 aye ? Im meaning the TWR/TWTR etc

Also what version of the BIOS are you running ? I believe mine is V02.61 i have a feeling i need to update it perhaps.

Cheers for your time m8, look forward to hearing back

Ok so installed my new ram and applied the OC now achieved my 3ghz OC as wanted very pleased bout to hammer crysis a bit see wot sort of temps i get at full load, at the mo temps are quite high as you can see in the screenies below, managed to get the 3ghz with fsb of 333, thinking about lowering the extra cpu voltage as ive read that a smaller increase is ok the extra increase just adds heat to the bloody thing.

The new RAM sorted out the issue i had with inputin the timings manually my old ram wouldnt let me just ended up rebooting my rig over an dover again but now everything seems fine 😉

Cheers for the help bud! :na:


Lowerd my OC to 2.8 so i could get my RAM running at 800mhz wanted to get the most out of this new 4gb kit, oh and how the hell do you lower the Multiplier m8 ? Im stumpped completly can't find the setting anywhere 🙁

Get the Gigabyte DS3 and at least 4 to 6GB of some decent ram if you want a stable overclock..... With 2 x 512Gb of ram you really can't do squat.....

Thats tight!!!! but what does all this mean? Only part i understood was "spread spectrum" and "multiplerien" and automatiske system" hehe.......