MSI RX 480 Gaming X 8 GB or Palit Super Jetstream GTX 1060 6GB ?


Sep 26, 2016
I am considering both of these cards for my new pc here is the price comparison here in Germany

MSI Radeon RX 480 Gaming X 8GB :

Palit GTX 1060 Super Jetstream 6GB :

i have looked up the reviews and benchmarks on youtube and other review sites and i found that 1060 beats rx 480 in almost every dx11 games. But the rx 480 performs better for games that support dx12 and vulkan. If i want to at least keep the GPU for 3-4 years before upgrading, which one should i choose? Thanks!
I'd personally take the RX 480. Iv'e had AMD GPU's for the longest time. R9 380X , R9 290, RX 480, R7 260X and Iv'e never had issues. Honestly people make them out to be worse than they actually are. Im not just saying this because im a fan boy. I actually have the EVGA FTW 1070 right now.

So I'd take on the RX 480 . Go for an aftermarket option like the Asus Strix or XFX version. I run an Ultrawide and i can say the RX 480 did show what it's worth. Good Luck!

Either one would be perfectly fine for gaming at 1080p resolution. If you plan to game at a higher resolution, consider a GTX 1070.

What resolution are you gaming at on the ultrawide? I am currently researching ultrawides for my next purchase.

I think i will go with the rx480 then, but which version should i buy? the msi gaming x or sapphire nitro+ OC?