Hello i have recently built a new computer featuring a msi x570 meg ace, ryzen 3950x, 32gb 3200mhz corsair vengeance ddr4, and custom watercooling loop. My issue is not when the computer is on as i'm very happy with it's performance, my issue has to do with booting up my computer. After leaving my computer off for 4-5 hours it seems to get stuck in the boot with the code reader reading 00 and the dram, vga, and boot leds on the mobo being on for about 5 minutes (pretty consistent on the time it sticks for) before getting to post and hitting windows within 18 seconds. It posts in 18 seconds but sticks in boot with all the fans and leds on for about 5 mins prior. Once up and running i can restart to my hearts content with no slow boot. If anyone has found a solution or can think of anything to try please share i really don't want to have to take my whole hardline loop apart to switch motherboards but it is extremely disappointing to have to wait this long for my computer to start especially when windows is installed on a gen 4 nvme. Also a side note but twice my pc has crashed while playing games and the ram leds are the only thing left on. When i try to turn it off with the case or even the power button on the board to restart it it has no effect and I have to switch my psu off to get my computer working again. Definitely less than ideal