Question MSI X670E ACE C5 ERROR Multiple sets of RAM

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Dec 27, 2023
HI I have this strange issue with my PC at the moment where I seem to have broken two different sets of RAM timeline below.

Motherboard: MSI X670E ACE
RAM: GSkill F5-6000-J3040G32GX2-TZ5NR

The first set worked fine on boot, later I enabled the DOCP profile and game boostand saved and restarted the PC. This worked fne for a day but then the next morning when I turned it on I got a C5 error.
I figured this was a fault in the RAM (after some reading) and swapped it out for an identical set (since I was building two of the same PC). Clear CMOS, install RAM and this worked fine again.
I later enabled DOCP again and similar game boost changes like last time which worked fine for a few days. I come back a few days later and I had an A6 code this time. I removed all my USB devices (including bootable USBs) and reset the BIOS now I have a C5 code once again for the second set of memory.

  • I've tried using one stick, two sticks, different lanes, etc
  • I've tried flashing with the latest BIOS
  • I've tried clearing the CMOS by the button on the back

I remember when I enabled these changes to the BIOS there was a green warning messaged on boot after saving. I can't recall what this said something about OC (unsure if useful).
I can't seem to clear this C6 error perhaps this is an issue with my motherboard now that I should look into RMAing?

Thanks in advance for any help.
When I use one stick of RAM in DIMMA2 I immediatley get C5 error
when I have both DIMMA2 and DIMMB2 populated it stays code 15 for much longer and then eventually goes C5 error.

In a two stick set I should be able to just use one fine is this correct?
Seems like by bios requires there to be two sets?
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