MSI Z170A-GAMING-M3 motherboard won't post. Solid red CPU light.


May 11, 2016
So, I built a new gaming rig not much more than a month ago, however, one day I restarted it and it would power on and off repeatedly. I assumed the issue to be the MB after doing some troubleshooting and damaged the socket in the process so ordering a new MB was inevitable.

After about a week, I received my MSI Z170A-GAMING-M3 (chose based on better reviews and features vs my GIGABYTE one). After putting my computer back together, other than my off-board GPU, being wary of static discharge and taking precautions, it booted up to BIOS just fine. I turned the computer off and hooked up my MSI GTX970 and booted it up to BIOS, again, just fine. Turned it off for a third time to get everything zip-tied away and neat, turned it back on, presented with 'WAIT WHILE WE INSTALL A FEW UPDATES" or something similar, fine, at least the computer's working. And to my dismay, it shut itself off after the update and refused to turn back on. The motherboard lights turn on and the CPU fan spins up just fine but no display, at this point I'm crushed and infuriated.

After a few hours (nearly all day) off messing around with the board and googling and troubleshooting, nothing works. Tried breadboarding with only the crucial components in (PSU, CPU + HSF, 1 stick of RAM) and multiple CLR CMOS sessions, nothing works. I noticed there's a set of lights called the EZ DEBUG lights that label the CPU, DRAM, and VGA (graphics card). All are blank but the CPU light being lit up and solid. The manual gives no clear answer of whether the light is a good or bad thing. I've done nothing to my knowledge to damage the CPU and have been very delicate with the new motherboard and it's CPU socket, again, making sure I don't zap it.

As this is my first hand built computer that I built for gaming, it only working (flawlessly) for just over a month has seriously taken a tole on my emotions and is deterring me from wanting to ever build another computer given how much can go wrong.

--Sorry for the essay--

DDR4 HyperX Fury RAM (1x8GB)
Intel i5-6600K
Corsair CX500M 500W PSU
CryoRig H7 CPU cooler
You're welcome.
The red CPU LED indicates that the CPU is not detected. Since it came on after the update, my conclusion is that the system attempted to update the BIOS and something went wrong.
Try clearing the CMOS, if you haven't so far (unplug the power cord and remove the CMOS battery for a minute) then start the board. If the CPU fan does spin and still red CPU LED, I see no other solution than RMA-ing the board.
Was it connected to the Internet when got the "Please wait"?

Thank you for the surprisingly quick response, but is that really the only solution? I would like to mention that I had no option on thw update. I powered it on and was prompted with the "please wait"
You're welcome.
The red CPU LED indicates that the CPU is not detected. Since it came on after the update, my conclusion is that the system attempted to update the BIOS and something went wrong.
Try clearing the CMOS, if you haven't so far (unplug the power cord and remove the CMOS battery for a minute) then start the board. If the CPU fan does spin and still red CPU LED, I see no other solution than RMA-ing the board.
Was it connected to the Internet when got the "Please wait"?
I've tried clearing CMOS many times, using both a jumper and taking the battery out (one time leaving it for nearly 2hrs). And if I recall correctly, I did have network hooked up when it attempted the update. I suppose RMAing is my only option. Third times the charm I suppose. Thank you for you help.