MSI Z170A M3 - Dead on arrival


Nov 8, 2015
Hello. A few weeks back a bought a new computer (specs below) and when i try to start it up for the first time it wouldn't boot. The mob lights up (LED-strips all around the board) but nothing else happened. Then i saw that the DRAM-LED was on, and every couple of seconds the DRAM-LED turned of and the CPU-LED flashed, then the DRAM-LED turn on again.

MSI Z170A M3
Intel Skylake I5-6600K
Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 3200MHz (CMK8GX4M2B3200C16R)

Second memory i tried: Crusial (CT4G4DFS8213.8FA1)

I google the problem and was led to believe i was using non compatible memory. So I looked at MSIs list over compatible memory and bought one of the sticks listed.

I tried again with the same problem. I then returned the card to the retailer for testing. The mail i received from them stated that the mob worked. They even installed a new firmware for me. They then send the mob back to me.

A few minutes ago i tried to put the computer back together outside of the case and only with the essential components (cpu, cpu-fan, memory, HDD). And i go the same problem.

I don't think the retailer lied to me so i'm turning to you guys. What could possible be the problem? Faulty CPU? Faulty PSU?
I tested the PSU, and it works fine. Also tested my old PSU but got the same result.

Got tired and bought a new MoBo today but that has the same problem. Dram-LED is red, and angry.

Could my CPU be broken?
I had the same problem with a z170 mobo. Check the 8 pin as my 8 pin cpu connector on mobo was incorrect. At the moment I'm only using 4 pins but I'm going to get a replacement as with 4 pins only u can't over clock