MSI Z77 mpower problem

Hazem Elgindy

May 5, 2013
i have msi z77 mpower and i have 12 gb ram kingston hyperX frequency 1600

(2*2) Gb + 8gb one piece (each one of them with diff voltage ) now i have 3 problems :

1- Dimm 1 is identified as dimm 3 and dimm 3 as dimm 1
2- The X.M.P profile doesn't appear to me in any of the bios versions (started from 17.1 to 17.7)
3- The ram frequency keeps resetting to 1333

i have 3570k at stock i don't overclock anything and ati 5970 2gb

Please help me iam so worried that my mother board is faulty or if i flashed my bios the wrong way
Ram can be kinda touchy. I wouldn't worry about a bad bios flash, usually with no bios, it'll brick your computer. Can you manually adjust the RAM timings to match their stated speeds? Does the bios match up when either kit is installed individually? Not sure if the motherboard will adjust to more than one XMP for different RAMs.

No i cant manually change it and THERE IS NO X.M.P profile appearing 4 me at the bios its not even there