Question MSI Z87-G55 issues with installing i7 4790k

May 25, 2019

I currently have a MSI Z87-G55 mobo. Website states it's compatible with 4790k processor. When I went to put the processor in and booted the computer, it starts and then shuts off and restarts again, in a loop. I have updated and flashed the bios, checked again. No luck. Is there anything else I should be doing here? Any help appreciated.
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Have you tried breadboarding outside the case? CPU/cooler, 1 stk RAM, PSU, video to iGPU? (nothing else) Momentarily short the two pins that the power button would connect to, see if you get a steady display.
Btw, I used to have that same board. :)
May 25, 2019
Do I
Have you tried breadboarding outside the case? CPU/cooler, 1 stk RAM, PSU, video to iGPU? (nothing else) Momentarily short the two pins that the power button would connect to, see if you get a steady display.
Btw, I used to have that same board. :)

Do I need to remove the GPU or just plug it in straight into the mobo?


Okay sorry. I removed the GFX card, still loop booting. What do you mean short the pins? Just remove them and put them back in?
No, I'm talking about the pins on the FP header where you connected the case's FP wiring. Two of those pins are where the power button connected to. Just use a screwdriver or something to short/touch those two pins. That starts the boot.