Question MSI Z87-G55 issues with installing i7 4790k

May 25, 2019

I currently have a MSI Z87-G55 mobo. Website states it's compatible with 4790k processor. When I went to put the processor in and booted the computer, it starts and then shuts off and restarts again, in a loop. I have updated and flashed the bios, checked again. No luck. Is there anything else I should be doing here? Any help appreciated.
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Have you tried breadboarding outside the case? CPU/cooler, 1 stk RAM, PSU, video to iGPU? (nothing else) Momentarily short the two pins that the power button would connect to, see if you get a steady display.
Btw, I used to have that same board. :)
Do I
Have you tried breadboarding outside the case? CPU/cooler, 1 stk RAM, PSU, video to iGPU? (nothing else) Momentarily short the two pins that the power button would connect to, see if you get a steady display.
Btw, I used to have that same board. :)

Do I need to remove the GPU or just plug it in straight into the mobo?