MSI645-Tested Thouroughly?


Feb 26, 2002
Toms, you reviewed the 645 based boards on April03, and I noticed that you never mentioned whether you ever saw the temp monitor on the MSI645 actually WORK? Many of us who have bought it are stuck with FAULTY BOARDS that MSI and MSI dealers refuse to acknowledge or repair. Many excuses have flown everything from Bios to Hardware, but the kicker is calling tech support and being told after many complaints (look at MSI Forum 478 board section), "we've never heard of it!". Companies that dodge their customers have something to hide: bad quality, bad bios, bad software, bad something! Did your board actually report an accurate temperature that actually changed? We in the field constantly get a temperature, it's just stuck at 49 deg C whether just turned on, or ran for a week! How can one monitor CPU performance, or run the system support (fuzzy logic) or overclock, with a wildly inaccurate temp monitor?

Backup my harddrive? How the hell do I get it in reverse?
If you're looking to say something to the review's writer, it's best to email them. There is basically no chance that you'll get a response by posting here.

If you're posting this simply as a warning, then thanks, I'll make sure to pass it on.

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