MSNBC News Special Report: Great protest song of the 60's remembered

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WOW. How do you not notice a dead body in the back seat? I don't care how drunk you are- it would be quite obvious. What is obvious is that the guy isn't "running on all cylinders" as mentioned in the story.
Breaking news: MSNBC gives up. Calling it quits due largely to ugly news anchors and the resulting pathetic ratings. Most of the station's twelve regular viewers express shock and awe and blame it on Bush

Update: Andrea Mitchell jumps off bridge. MSNBC news analysist calls her life 'useless' after reading Fox News Network's Jamie Colby's resume.

Attending the University of Miami International School of Business at age 14, she received a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting as well as her Juris Doctor degree from the University of Miami School of Law in 1983 at age 22

MSNBC now returns you to our regular programming. Bush bashing.

Bob Dylan's "Times, They Are A'changin". Better protest song. And it has the bonus of not being a particularly good Vegas song.
Bumbled through Fortunate Son in the 60's on my 1938 Martin. Still have it. Then there was this classic which would NEVER make the air on CNN. Of course I have not watched CNN since 2004. No MSNBC since 2006. Run Through The Jungle was better. Who'll Stop The Rain I played also. I could be wrong. Nah. No chance. No chance to see Rodney on CNN.

Nice jsc! Then there were these beauties we have overlooked till now.

Not a real protest song, but worthy of violent protest by any unlucky listener.

I protested this song of the 60's while asking not what I want to do for the entire state of Massecheuttes. Which is nothing. Ozstralia can have it.

rey learned to play this ACDC protest song long ago.

Swore off Clinton News Network after the dispicable liberal biased spew they employed with 2004 election coverage. Haven't watched their trash news programs since and never will again. Same for MSNBC. Have not watched since mid terms 2006. Hard to believe for some of youins I guess. Didin't appreciate the Bush bashing and those stations lost my viewership for good. Some of you understand. Fox News Network was created with the sole purpose of putting a badly needed muzzle on the liberal media talking heads. CNN and MSNBC are full of 'em.

Speaking of that perky liberal bias news machine CBS wasn't this prime cut babe hired on by the network to take over for pinhead Dan Rather after He mercifully left.


The song or the guitar?

Unless she had a legal name change, you probably cannot blame her. Blame her idiot parents.
I have the 1938 martin. My mother bought it new for $75 that year. It's prety rough as it was played a lot and banged around over the years. Cousin used it to play on a sunday moring radio show his church put on. I played it since I ws nine. The first three frets wore off and were replaced. The body was cracked and repaired. Needs a professional restoration by now. I have fairly nice Fender Auditorium acoustic electric for many years. I play that when I get into the 60's protest songs. Bought a Credence songbook when I was like 13. Learned a lot of their songs that way back in the late 60's. Today if I want to learn a Creedence song I just google the tab and find the song on Youtube. The interwibble makes makes it all much easier in regards to learning a few new licks.

I have been to 'name change' court. A lot of laughs break out and one can't help but laugh uncontrollably when a woman named Bich Pheuck is called up and ask her reason for wanting to change her name.
After we sit in the 8am name change request hearings, if we stop laughing by late afternoon and have any energy left we'll head over to Newport Beach. Maybe we'll hit Laguna too. I'll put up a tips jar in the sand and play 60's protest songs. You get phone numbers when a tip occurs. Let your taste in bikini fashion guide you. "How many seas does the White Dove sail, before she ports at Newport and her bikini clad crew sleeps in the sand? And how many..."
Time for today's MSNBC sucks thresd update

Atlas Shrugged opens in theaters nationwide Friday. Its theme is that free enterprise creates prosperity and government control creates poverty. So many conservatives will be flocking to see this movie that theater owners are renting out the lobbies for gun shows.

The L.A. Public Library moved its computers across the room so people watching porn aren't visible to children at the checkout desk. City officials said people have a constitutional right to watch porn in a library. Roman Polanski is starting to think it's safe to come home.

Hugh Hefner celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday Thursday a week before he marries twenty-four-year-old Krystal Harris. He said he takes Viagra twice a week. For Hugh Hefner to take Viagra is like placing a brand-new flag pole on top of a condemned building.

The Saudi royal family announced plans Monday to build the world's first mile-high skyscraper for twelve billion dollars. It's going to be financed with five-dollar-per-gallon gasoline. Americans are so angry over higher oil prices we may fly a plane into it ourselves.

Nancy Pelosi accused the GOP of encouraging Americans to simply give up and die at home. Do we die on garbage day, lawn day or recycling day? California environmental law only permits human remains to be thrown away in the recycling bin if you are a Hindu.

The Masters put on a thriller Sunday starring Australians Jason Day and Adam Scott and Englishman Luke Donald and Northern Ireland's Rory McIlroy before South Africa's Charl Schwartzel won the day. They were greeted at the final hole like liberators. It gave U.S. troops in the Middle East the hope that sometimes colonialism has a happy ending.

House Republicans and Senate Democrats finally reached a budget deal five minutes before a midnight government shutdown late Friday. Hundreds of jobs were lost due to the length of the negotiations. It was the slowest night of the year for D.C. escort services

The White House ripped Donald Trump for always harping about President Obama's birth certificate. Democrats did get some good news. Donald Trump just had his annual physical and the doctor told him he was as sound as the dollar, so he can't last much longer.

Libyan rebels rejected a truce proposal from Moammar Khadaffi on Monday. The rebels decided to fight on after they heard that the U.S. government didn't shut down last weekend. Part of the excitement of being a U.S. Air Force pilot is that you never know from week to week whether you are an instrument of U.S. foreign policy or an independent contractor.

The Texas legislature passed a law Friday raising the speed limit to eighty-five miles an hour. They already let you have an open beer in the car and let you carry a gun. The idea is to make life on the highway so much fun you wouldn't think of texting while driving.

Barry Bonds's case went to the jury in San Francisco Friday. There was an innocent explanation for all the syringes, steroids, HGH and blood transfusion equipment found in the garage. He and his kids were just trying to build a Schwarzenegger from scratch.

U.S. Army General Carter Ham informed Congress Thursday that U.S. troops might be needed to help the Libyan rebels. It would level the playing field. U.S. troops are the only ones with the weaponry to shoot down the U.S. planes accidentally bombing the rebels every day.

U.S. Senator Harry Reid stood on the U.S. Senate floor Friday and warned of all the dire consequences a U.S. government shutdown would have on the nation. Younger people don't care at all. He said U.S. meat inspections could be delayed, so Taco Bell won't be affected.

Senate Democrats blamed the massive federal budget deficits on Republican tax cuts Friday in TV interviews. They said the wealthy aren't paying enough taxes to meet the nation's needs. Democrats believe it is okay to be rich as long as you just feel awful about it.

The Architect of the U.S. Capitol told building employees Friday how sorry he was that some of them would be named non-essential during a U.S. government shutdown. It includes restroom attendants and janitors. A history degree just doesn't get you anywhere anymore.

Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi went on trial in Milan Thursday for soliciting the services of an underage Moroccan call girl nicknamed Ruby the Heart Stealer. She's seventeen years old and he's well into his seventies. The service was an open casket affair

Iran's uranium enrichment factories were identified by a scientist Monday. They are bad for the ozone. The plant converts uranium into gas, then filters it through a centrifuge producing weapons-grade uranium, causing the Israeli Air Force to be released into the sky.

The Treasury Department issued a list of suggestions to taxpayers Thursday to help get their refund checks back faster. It's so user-friendly. This year you can have your refund check sent to you by mail or have the check deposited directly into your gas station.

This concludes today's MSNBC sucks update so far.

I'm in. Let me know when we're doing this. Any nude beaches near by? And by nude beaches, I mean ones where only women between 18-35 attend. 😉
Don't play the electric guitar nude with a decent amp ... the results can be somewhat disturbing with the back of the bridge being metal on mine.

I recommend clothing be worn unless your making a Grace Jones music video.
Reminds of the days living with the topless dancer. She would take her clothes off in a rock field. My apartment was constantly full of guys who followed her home. I think she left the club, walked across the parking lot and into the car and drove home without changing after work.
No doubt Hef has a few of those mate ... remember to clean your specs before he gets home so you can see what wanders in with him.

My mate Bill had a GF who was a hooker ... she made good money and only kissed him ... she blew me a couple of times tho ... good sort.
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