Much bad sectors on my HDD


Nov 22, 2014
Can i repair 1391 bad sectors on my 80GB Maxtor DiamondMax hdd to install win 7??? After the installation is almost comleted, after restart it sajys: Windows installation is not completed... What Can ido??? PS:HDD Sentinel says that are 1391 bad sectors and 6days and the hdd is dead
if your hdd manufacturer has a tool that allows you to low level format the drive then that might fix some or even all the errors if there just soft errors (the disk surface isnt physically damaged) but more likely with that amout the drive head is either bumping the disk or shocking it which burns the surface. either are fatal to the drive.

if low level format doesnt fix it then get a new drive. its the only real option.
if your hdd manufacturer has a tool that allows you to low level format the drive then that might fix some or even all the errors if there just soft errors (the disk surface isnt physically damaged) but more likely with that amout the drive head is either bumping the disk or shocking it which burns the surface. either are fatal to the drive.

if low level format doesnt fix it then get a new drive. its the only real option.

i gieve it a chance thx

If you're doing that, you might as well hard format the drive. Remember though, this won't repair bad sectors, it will only clean things up a bit. Like I said before, your hdd is so small, with so many bad sectors, it's really not going to last long. << Go here and follow those instructions to format your hard drive without downloading any suspicious software.
low level format software is hardly suspicious mate. there provided by (some) the hdd manufacturers.

chksdk is an option and that comes with windows but the chances are it wont repair anything and wont stop the sppread of the bad sectors if there hard errors. another point. chkdsk will repair soft errors and wont remap them out the same way it does with hard errors.
oh I wasn't stating that low level formatting software was suspicious, I was stating that third party software is suspicious. the software he linked to didn't seem like it was made by a manufacturer as you recommended.