Multibooting Windows 10 and Qubes OS


Sep 25, 2013
I tried out Qubes OS in a virtual machine(on my windows 10 laptop) and i think it would be a fun project to have both windows 10 and Qubes OS.
However all the tutorials i watched for almost any other linux OS are simple.
Shrink the drive size in windows and leave that free space unallocated and later on,when installing select that free space as the root directory.
But Qubes OS only recognizes the HDD itself without any partitions and the only way i could install it would be to format the whole drive which would erase my windows 10...

Although the official Qubes OS website doesnt recommend multibooting for security reasons they have a guide on it.

I figured out that i need to add something to the grug.cfg file but im not sure at what point of the file should i add it or how is unallocated disk space labeled.

grub.cfg file on my USB from which i plan to boot the installer:

set default="0"

function load_video {
insmod efi_gop
insmod efi_uga
insmod video_bochs
insmod video_cirrus
insmod all_video

set gfxpayload=keep
insmod gzio
insmod part_gpt
insmod ext2
insmod chain

set timeout=5

# do not use search for ISO here, 'root' must point ESP, not the whole ISO9660
# fs, otherwise xen.efi would not be able to access kernel and initrd

menuentry 'Test media and install Qubes R3.1' --class qubes --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
chainloader /EFI/BOOT/xen.efi placeholder qubes-check

menuentry 'Install Qubes R3.1' --class qubes --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
chainloader /EFI/BOOT/xen.efi

menuentry 'Troubleshooting - verbose boot and Install Qubes R3.1' --class qubes --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
chainloader /EFI/BOOT/xen.efi placeholder qubes-verbose

menuentry 'Rescue a Qubes system' --class qubes --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
chainloader /EFI/BOOT/xen.efi placeholder qubes-rescue

Code that the official Qubes OS website recommends for multibooting with windows.

menuentry "Windows" {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ntldr
insmod ntfs
ntldr (hd1,X)/bootmgr

And a comment:
(Change X to reflect the relevant system partition.)

I hope someone can help me out or atleast point me to a tutorial that uses a simillar installation.
I am new to linux so i dont understand most of it...


Sep 25, 2013
I found out the problem was only my lack of linux knowlage...
After i spent some time playing on vmware i figured it out.
After exiting the HDD selection the installer will offer "costum partitioning" where i had to create the root directory (/) and swap (swap)
Everything should work normaly when the installation completes

(I have no idea how to delete this post or set is as inactive...)