Allright. Hi my name is Domenix. I’ve tryed to solve my issue for about 2 years, but i give up each time i try cause there just doesn’t seem to be any way to solve it, however, the issue being a very ”simple” one 🧐.
Now i found this forum through linus tech tips and i hope you guys can help me
issue: i have 3 monitors, 1x 240hz(gaming/primary)
2x 60hz (youtube/animation/editing)
whenever i play i game on my primary monitor (240hz) and i have something up on one of the 60hz monitors such as a youtube video or streamlabs overlays, the 240hz monitor lags as if it were synced down to match the 60hz monitor. I think this is a function of windows DWM to sync multiple monitors to same refresh rate if playing games on multiple monitors.
I will also add that the best help i’ve found is to join the Windows insider program to get the beta that fixes this, so i did that but this does not fix the issue after all.
i’ve tryed everything it feels like. I will put as much info down below as i can, but just ask if you need something else.
Lian Li der bauer edition
Intel core i9-10980XE
Asus rox strix z490-f
Asus strix rtx 3090
1000 watt power supply that i forgot the name of
Ballistix rgb ram 64gb
Cooling percists of nzx rgb system box with 9 fans sround the case
Got a few m.2 drives at around 1 terabyte each, dont know if it affects the issue but might aswell post it aswell
Now i found this forum through linus tech tips and i hope you guys can help me

issue: i have 3 monitors, 1x 240hz(gaming/primary)
2x 60hz (youtube/animation/editing)
whenever i play i game on my primary monitor (240hz) and i have something up on one of the 60hz monitors such as a youtube video or streamlabs overlays, the 240hz monitor lags as if it were synced down to match the 60hz monitor. I think this is a function of windows DWM to sync multiple monitors to same refresh rate if playing games on multiple monitors.
I will also add that the best help i’ve found is to join the Windows insider program to get the beta that fixes this, so i did that but this does not fix the issue after all.
i’ve tryed everything it feels like. I will put as much info down below as i can, but just ask if you need something else.
Lian Li der bauer edition
Intel core i9-10980XE
Asus rox strix z490-f
Asus strix rtx 3090
1000 watt power supply that i forgot the name of
Ballistix rgb ram 64gb
Cooling percists of nzx rgb system box with 9 fans sround the case
Got a few m.2 drives at around 1 terabyte each, dont know if it affects the issue but might aswell post it aswell