Mutitasking with my new i7 4790k


Jun 28, 2014
Dear all,

I have built a new PC with i7-4790k @ 4.00 GHz. I have used MSi's OC Genie to help me overclock the CPU and memory. PC is stable.

Currently, I have duel screens, and when i try and run certain games, i.e. insurgency on one screen and let's say open Google chrome on the other screen, I will feel lags on my Insurgency game, fps is still saying 120~ but lags.

Is this due to my Evga 970 SC or CPU not being powerful enough?

I'm not an expert in overclocking* - here is my current settings on the 4790k.


System Specs:
Windows 7 64Bit
Intel i7-4790K @ 4.00 Ghz Default
Evga 970 SC ACX 2.0
Corsair vengeance 16GB (1600)
Samsung 840 Pro (256GB)
there are a couple things that you could do to try to diagnose the point of origination. if you turn off the second monitor to see if the lag goes away.

although i doubt it is the overclock doing it, you could also try removing the OC to see if it changes.

without seeing firsthand, the "lag", i could take guesses as to what it is, but cannot be for sure. if fps is constant, i dont think its the GPU. if there was a significant stutter, either by the CPU or the GPU, you would get a temporary FPS drop. perhaps internet connection?

Once i close Chrome on my second monitor, the lag goes away. I actually overclocked it after seeing the stuttering lag before overclocking and comparing the difference but it isn't noticeable 🙁
do you see it with other programs open (not chrome)? i would think that it may be internet being the root cause. i have run into issues with chrome simply hogging bandwidth, which obviously could be considered the lag you speak of"