MW3 online play problem!


Jul 30, 2012
I have a version, I think, of DSL for my home. I play Call of Duty mostly Modern Warefare 3. The game will let me play online for a little while, sometimes more, if it's just me connecting with the world and not with anyone in particular like a party or game with friends. I've just tried today to link with my brother and every time I go to accept a party invite or a game invite it says that it couln't accept the invite. The message that it kicks me off reads "The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 server is not available at this time. Please try again later or visit for updates". I have ben to this website many times and all it tells me is that the online play is up and running. If anyone has any knowledge on this sort of problem I would like your feedback as to what I can do. My NAT status is Moderate if that helps.