Discussion My 7950x3d has became a cat!


Dec 11, 2024
‌Last‌ Thursday, I sold my ‌Ryzen 9 7950X3D‌ on Xianyu (the Chinese version of ‌eBay‌ where people sell second‌-‌hand items). I ‌had bought‌ this CPU half a year ago ‌to compensate‌ for my bad mood ‌after‌ my ex-girlfriend's mom forced us to separate. ‌After‌ half a year ‌had passed‌ and I ‌felt‌ a bit better, I decided to sell it. ‌While‌ I ‌was leaving‌ the door open ‌while waiting‌ for the postman to collect the CPU, ‌a stray cat‌ suddenly ‌entered‌ my room. It ‌was‌ terribly sick – ‌coughing, sneezing, and had a runny nose‌. I ‌offered‌ some ‌unsalted sausage‌ and water, but it ‌refused‌ to eat or drink, ‌just meowing‌ at me. It ‌wasn't‌ afraid of me ‌and‌ kept rubbing against my hand.

I immediately ‌knew‌ it ‌had come‌ for help, ‌as if‌ it ‌understood‌ it would die ‌without intervention‌. I ‌placed‌ it in a cardboard box, ‌leaving‌ its head ‌exposed‌, ‌then secured‌ the box with string. ‌Since‌ the nearest pet hospital ‌was‌ a 20-minute walk away, I ‌loaded‌ the box onto my electric bike. ‌However‌, ‌after moving‌ just 20 meters, ‌it escaped‌ from the box ‌and disappeared from sight‌, ‌which frustrated‌ me. I ‌thought‌ it ‌was foolish‌ to reject help, ‌so‌ I ‌went‌ back home.

‌Upon returning‌, I ‌found‌ it ‌still‌ in my room. I ‌tried pushing‌ it out ‌multiple‌ times, but it ‌kept coming‌ back. ‌Finally‌, I ‌shut‌ the door ‌after‌ one last push. I ‌assumed‌ it ‌would seek‌ help elsewhere, ‌but‌ it ‌continued meowing‌ and ‌gently pawing‌ the door. Tears ‌welled up‌ as I ‌recalled‌ ‌being rejected‌ by my ex's mom ‌because‌ I ‌couldn't‌ afford a Shanghai apartment. ‌Both the cat and I were abandoned beings‌, ‌so‌ I ‌resolved‌ to save ‌and adopt‌ it. I ‌let‌ it back in, ‌placed‌ it in my ITX case bag (‌sealing‌ it completely this time), ‌and headed‌ straight to the hospital. ‌Perhaps‌ the enclosed space ‌made‌ it feel safe – ‌it stayed calm‌, ‌only meowing‌ twice.

‌At‌ the hospital, the vet ‌said‌ it ‌was‌ about ‌one‌ year old ‌but severely dehydrated‌ due to mouth inflammation, ‌requiring‌ an intravenous drip. ‌By the time‌ the drip ‌started‌, it ‌was‌ 11 p.m., ‌so‌ I ‌went‌ home to sleep.

‌Over‌ the next three days, I ‌visited‌ twice daily. ‌Each time‌, it ‌would immediately‌ ‌meow‌ ‌and nuzzle‌ me with its nose. ‌Though‌ never aggressive, ‌it accidentally‌ scratched me once. ‌After‌ I ‌scolded‌ it ‌sternly‌, ‌it never‌ hurt me again!

‌By‌ Monday, ‌after‌ five days of treatment, ‌it recovered‌. I ‌adopted‌ it, ‌naming‌ it DanJuan (‌蛋卷,"egg roll"‌ in Chinese, ‌referencing‌ its cream-orange fur) ‌and gave‌ it the nickname "3D" – ‌symbolizing‌ the ‌Ryzen 9 7950X3D‌ I ‌sold‌. ‌Remarkably‌, the ‌medical fees‌ ‌equaled‌ the CPU's sale value! ‌Additionally‌, "3D" ‌sounds like‌ "third brother" in Chinese (‌三弟‌), ‌reflecting‌ its status ‌as‌ family.
View: https://imgur.com/a/q8oxb54
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Danjuan shows no interest in being naughty except sitting on the case to feel the AIO's fan blowing just after it pooped.

The naughtiness will come in time.

I almost always have a cat on the exhaust of my PC, which affects my cooling solution's efficiency. One of the reasons I don't do custom loops on my own PCs is because two of my black cats will tend to fight each other on top of my computer, so I'm concerned about durability.
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