My computer is underperforming than it should be

Oct 23, 2018

I've noticed when comparing my specs to similar specs in other games, I gets 20 to 30 fps lower than theirs and im not sure why. It isnt a bad amount of fps, but I feel like I should be getting more than what im seeing now.

I5-8600k (All cores 4.3)
GTX 1080 MSI GAMING X (110 on core, 500 on memory)
16 GB of 3200 mhz of ram (Which I think resets to 2133 after I save in bios and I dont know why)
500 GB SSD
650 watt gold supply
Im only using a 1080 144hz monitor

Frostbite games I do equal to other people's specs, but its has more of a case of random drops in fps.
Unreal engine is where I see a good difference and usually I will have to lower my oc due to the engine, with a 30 fps difference to equal computers.
Also War Thunder's engine I see a difference such as a person with an i5 4th gen and a 1070 getting an average of 100 fps on tanks and no matter what, an fps locked at 144 in air (I get 80-90 in tanks and 120-130 in air or lower...not a smooth 144)

I wiped an reinstalled my drivers for nvidia too.

What may be the problem?

Also games tend to say not enough memory even though they dont reach near the max available