My computer wont stay on


Jul 8, 2012
Hey this is my first home build and hence my first time dealing with computer parts so id thought i be extra careful and basically copy a video with a few adjustments to suit my specific parts. anyway onto the problem i test booted my computer with just the graphics card, cpu, ram and power supply plugged in however when i turn it on nothing appears on screen and i dont hear the single beep that the guy in the video does. heres the video for reference and the test boot is around 15 min
Make sure that the power switch is connected to the proper pins on you MB, or short the power on pin to ground. If nothing happens, check the ps by connecting the green lead on the 24 pin plug to a black lead on the plug. The power supply should turn on, if not, it is faulty. If you have a good power supply and have everything connected properly, then if it does not turn on, the MB is faulty. Yes new MBs sometimes are DOA!