My computer worked and now it doesn't PLEASE HELP


Mar 17, 2017
So here's the story...
I recently purchased the parts for and built a PC here are the parts

CPU: Intel pentium g4560
Motherboard: Gigabyte B250m
Gpu: Radeon rx470 Saphire
Psu: corshair cx600 600w
Case: DIY PC cuboid
Storage: Sandisk 120gb ssd WD caviar blue 1Tb hard drive
Monitor(btw this was a test monitor and I was planning on purchasing a new one once the computer works)
Acer v173

Now when I put everything together and plugged it in, and pressed the power switch. It passed the POST test and it went into BIOS perfectly. The next day I planned on installing windows this was where the problems began. The windows installation went without a hitch but after I installed all of the necessary drivers I powered down the computer. When I went back to power it on I pressed the power button and the fans spun, but the display would not work. So I powered it off and tried again and it worked. I thought that it was weird but I brushed it off. When I was done with the computer for the day I turned it off and the next day it did the same thing again. This went on for a couple of days where it took two tries to turn on. The next day I tried to turn it on and it took four tries so now I knew something was very wrong. So I took the gpu out to see if that was the problem and the computer worked perfectly on integrated intel 610 graphics. It turned on and off on the first try so I knew it had to be the gpu. So I tried reinstalling it and turning the computer on and now it totally didn't work. No output at all even after multiple tests. Mind you the fans spun every time these no output sessions happened. I really want to know what's wrong with my computer. I have come to a personal conclusion that the gpu died but is that normal? Please I really need help! Thank you.

It does seem to be a PSU problem, but when I built my first PC I didnt push the 24 pin power connector all the way into the motherboard and it would start for a second and then die and it woud turn on and off until flipped the switch off. I would make sure that is pushed in all the way. Or do what Pebble said and reseat the RAM and cpu. Hope I helped