My cpu light flashes then a dram light then it shuts off after 5 seconds and then turns back on plz help

Jan 12, 2019
I have a i5 6600K
Msi H370M Bazooka
Nvidia gta 1080
EVGA 600 Bq power supply
Cooler master cpu cooler
And nzxt H400

I turn the pc on and it doesn’t show any display but the cpu light kicks on then switches to the dram light and stays on for about 5 seconds then powers off. I alredy replaces the motherboard once and have gotten the same result both times plz help.
Your motherboard doesn't support a 6600k you need a 8600k (still won't be able to oc it since a z370 board is needed for that)

Or a.z170/z270 board to use your cpu