[SOLVED] My ethernet is acting up

Apr 1, 2021
Hello everyone

I bought my powerline about a year ago worked perfect until i moved a floor higher. My bedroom is now 2 stories above my only router. My download speed is horrible, ussualy i get easily 10-12mb/s now im only gettin 1-2MB/s. Sometimes when i start up my pc the ethernet doesnt work and i cant play any games or do litteraly anything and im left with an no network icon. Should i invest in a wifi booster or repeater of some sort, should i ask my internet company what could be the problem?

Thank you in advance.
Your ISP will likely test and say everything looks fine and it must be your equipment. You would have to be prepared for that with tests that show it is there. You would want to plug directly into the router or better the modem if you have a separate modem. Then run speedtest to the ISP server if you can find it otherwise let it default.

If this test show slow response then the ISP will likely listen to you.

Powerline works well for many people but some random houses seem to have issues. Powerline works best on the same circuit but that is kinda silly since most times rooms on the same circuit are very close where wifi works well or you can run a ethernet. BUT in most cases it has no issue running between circuits...
Your ISP will likely test and say everything looks fine and it must be your equipment. You would have to be prepared for that with tests that show it is there. You would want to plug directly into the router or better the modem if you have a separate modem. Then run speedtest to the ISP server if you can find it otherwise let it default.

If this test show slow response then the ISP will likely listen to you.

Powerline works well for many people but some random houses seem to have issues. Powerline works best on the same circuit but that is kinda silly since most times rooms on the same circuit are very close where wifi works well or you can run a ethernet. BUT in most cases it has no issue running between circuits. It depends
on how new your powerline units are. The older ones with numbers less than 1000 do not work as well as the lastest generation that have number between 1000 and 2000. They are being stupid with the numbers again but anything with those tends to be one of the 2 newer forms of powerline. These newer ones tend to work better
over different circuits than the older generations.

There is not much you can do it powerline does not work maybe try a different outlet in the same room. You want to be sure to plug them directly into the wall outlet and not use power strips or extension cords.

Wifi "boosters" are just another name for a repeater. There is no magic that will increase the signal and you pay a big penalty on the performance using a repeater. Unlike the documentation implies you can't just stick it in the remote room and magically you get better connection.
It takes very careful placement. It must be placed in a area that it can get strong signal from the main router but still provide wifi to the remote room. This is very tricky to find when you have walls and ceilings absorbing the signals. Some houses there is no optimum placement.

Do you have coax cable in both rooms mostly used for old style over the air tv. You might consider MoCA if you do, that technology actually can get close to 1gbit/s in most houses.
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