my final rig

Anthony B

Jul 7, 2013

videocard ->

i plan to return the psu and get a larger (750) when it arrives, (started shipping too fast to cancel... was cool but annoying at the same time), as i will be installing another graphics card down the line.

rate it as a first build 1-10

got a little excited and already ordered the parts so sucks for me if i cant swap them out. it took all but 20 of my cash anyway.

also, not my exact optical drive, just threw one in there to show it was a blu ray. mine was like 15 cheaper on amazon.

forgot to say, i will not be overclocking and also returning the cpu cooler and using stock. computer used for basic browsing, video watching, and fairly intense gaming. not too much

connecting to my 32" toshiba tv
Pro- 7/10 (i7 ranks higher)
video card- 7.5/10 (Nvidia preferred[personal preference] and there is 7970 / 780/ titan/ 690 etc etc)
ram- 8/10(1600 speed, 2133 preferred but not necessary)
mobo- 9/10 (1150 port)
case- 7/10
OS- 9/10(win7 rocks, 64bit)
drive- 10/10(get a good model though)
storage-6/10(i guess know why)

overall for a gaming rig i would say 8/10(not averaged) so ssd dosent matter

see i thought the ssd was good for the money, hdd is enough for the space i need, i wont use nearly 1tb of data

why so low on storage :/

nvm reread, gotcha
i rated it in terms of "overall".
anyway, 120 is ok. I wouldn't say bad. And, i dont even have an SSD.

mine is-
i7 3770k
gtx 770 ASUS DCII OC 2GB
8X1 corsair, btw ur total memory is limited to 16 gigs so i should have rated it 7 too.
1tb seagate HDD
DVD/RW drive( b-ray is too lavish)
ASRock Extreme 4 1155.

i know i will get lower ratings dan urs but still, how much would u give it?

i7 3770k - was going to get this but wanted to limit my spending and figured i5 was good for what i needed.
gtx 770 ASUS DCII OC 2GB - dont know much about these gpus but it seems a better than mine.
8X1 corsair, btw ur total memory is limited to 16 gigs so i should have rated it 7 too. - i got 2x4 because i wont need more, ive read everywhere its better to have 2 channels than 1 channel of ram, so hopefully u plan to expand to 12-16gb soon
1tb seagate HDD-nearly same
DVD/RW drive( b-ray is too lavish) - only use blu rays because i dont have a blu ray player, and want to be able to watch some of the movies that i own on it.
ASRock Extreme 4 1155. - funny enough i was looking at that same mobo early in my build process. seemed very nice for the money

id prob put yours at about 9/10 in my eyes. the single channel ram might be a problem but i doubt it, and loading os on ssd makes a very smooth run from what ive heard, but you have room for upgrades forsure

yes, i planned a little ahead except d fact that 1150 would come into the picture so fast.
kinda regretting it.
but still, generations dosent matter to me that much in terms of performance. But the ports sure do.

dont get too excited on that rate tho, im still new to building computers and even the parts inside and what they do lol