I'm 15 and I'm going to school in 2 weeks and I need something new for my gaming needs because my laptop is acting "funny". I've never build my own PC before. Is this -> ( http://pcpartpicker.com/p/7K3kHx ) a good build? Do you guys have a better build? if so please list the parts (pcpartpicker if possible) but don't change the keyboard, monitor & the case, my budget is around $1000-$1500. I don't have the money yet, but I'll start saving up when school starts.
Just in case you guys are wondering where do i get the money from (because I'm only 15). I live in Indonesia but I study in the US, so my parents will send me money once a month. I'll try to spend as little as possible, so I can save more.
Just in case you guys are wondering where do i get the money from (because I'm only 15). I live in Indonesia but I study in the US, so my parents will send me money once a month. I'll try to spend as little as possible, so I can save more.