My GeForce GT 630 Overheat up to 105 C when playing games on low and screen goes black


Dec 16, 2016
Use something like MSI Afterburner to watch fan speeds while you play. It sounds like you know the fan isn't working. The fan speeds will show how bad the problem is. Oil only helps if the fan needs lubrication. If the fan is burned out or the fan hub is all gunked up with dirt, just oiling won't help.
i've downloaded MSI Afterburner and checked the fan its alright , then i cleaned up all of the dirt inside the gpu and added some thermal paste to the gpu , then i played the game it took longer this time to reach 105C , what i should do now

i think the air flow in my case is not alright or its the case fan or something

here's some images to my case ( hp compaq dx2400 microtower )

front view :
back view :

and thank you for helping i really appreciate it.

i checked and i noticed that the graphic's card fan is not spinning , i didn't notice that before but know what should i do to fix it ?