Why does my Gigabit lan connection freeze in window XP after few hours of use? I have Asus P4C800 deluxe mother board. The board lan is 3COM 3C940 model. I have to reboot window XP when it freeze causing loss of internet connection. I have window firewall and Micro trend antivirus installed on system. Micro Trend firewall is enabled at medium level. I cleaned PC RJ45 port with air blower.
I tried to renew IP address, Flush it, reboot cable modem, reboot router without success in restoring internet connection. The only way is to reboot window XP it self. I tried to unplug/replug ethernet cable from the PC but it doesn't have any effect. Could the lan card problem is due to my Micro Trend firewall?
I am testing the lan in window 2003 to replicate the same problem.
I tried to renew IP address, Flush it, reboot cable modem, reboot router without success in restoring internet connection. The only way is to reboot window XP it self. I tried to unplug/replug ethernet cable from the PC but it doesn't have any effect. Could the lan card problem is due to my Micro Trend firewall?
I am testing the lan in window 2003 to replicate the same problem.