I bought new RTX 2070 SUPER (to be more specific: ASUS DUAL GeForce RTX2070S O8G EVO) and I'm having an weird issue with it. In every game, the utilization of the GPU is getting lower as I lower the settings. So let's say Shadow of the Tomb Raider, on 1440p, max settings, max AA, I have around 60 - 70 FPS with 93% to 98% GPU utilization . Then I lower settings to lowest and I have like 90 FPS with utilization around 50 - 60 %. Utilization also drops in every game randomly, like in Jedi Fallen Order I have frequent drops to 70% or so when I play.
First, I thought it's maybe some kind of CPU issue (I have Ryzen 5 1600) but I monitored CPU and none of it's cores/thread go above 80% in any of those game ever and I even OCed it from 3,2 to 3,9 and it didn't change a thing.
I also tried to OC memory from 2666 to 3000 with maintaing good timings and that didn't help either. Also I flashed newest BIOS, reinstalled Windows, tried every single nVidia driver. Nothing helps. There is not even a thermal issue. GPU is under 70°C and CPU around 60°C at most.
Do you have any suggestions? I'm really clueless at this stage. Right now I play Gothic Playable Teaser and yes, it's kind of early developement version, so it can cause unexpected problems, but my GPU is utilized by this game to 50 - 70% and it runs 30 - 40 FPS. Which is just riddiculous.
I bought new RTX 2070 SUPER (to be more specific: ASUS DUAL GeForce RTX2070S O8G EVO) and I'm having an weird issue with it. In every game, the utilization of the GPU is getting lower as I lower the settings. So let's say Shadow of the Tomb Raider, on 1440p, max settings, max AA, I have around 60 - 70 FPS with 93% to 98% GPU utilization . Then I lower settings to lowest and I have like 90 FPS with utilization around 50 - 60 %. Utilization also drops in every game randomly, like in Jedi Fallen Order I have frequent drops to 70% or so when I play.
First, I thought it's maybe some kind of CPU issue (I have Ryzen 5 1600) but I monitored CPU and none of it's cores/thread go above 80% in any of those game ever and I even OCed it from 3,2 to 3,9 and it didn't change a thing.
I also tried to OC memory from 2666 to 3000 with maintaing good timings and that didn't help either. Also I flashed newest BIOS, reinstalled Windows, tried every single nVidia driver. Nothing helps. There is not even a thermal issue. GPU is under 70°C and CPU around 60°C at most.
Do you have any suggestions? I'm really clueless at this stage. Right now I play Gothic Playable Teaser and yes, it's kind of early developement version, so it can cause unexpected problems, but my GPU is utilized by this game to 50 - 70% and it runs 30 - 40 FPS. Which is just riddiculous.