My GPU isn't running at it's full potential!


Jan 28, 2016
Hi guys,
So I have a GTX 1060 3GB OC edition from MSI which has 1 fan. I use it mostly for csgo and I don't know why I get lesser fps running at low setting than my friend's GTX 1050. Which is around 200 fps max and min at 70 fps. I tried to delete some files that might effect my SSD and it didn't work. Also, thermals is not a problem since everything is running at 53 degrees Celsius. I do OC it a bit but OC supposed to make your games runs better right? Please help. Thanks in advance!

You have a i5-4xxx with a GTX 1060 and DDR3 using a SSD as your only drive. on a 144Hz 1080P display
Friend has a i5-6xxxx DDR4 running 1050 on a HDD, running 1280x1024 on a 60Hz display
Why is his faster?

Simply put the processor and RAM are doing a whole lot more work on a less 'quality' display. EVEN if he is running "200FPS" his screen STILL ONLY shows 60 frames on the 60HZ. The real difference isn't the "FPS", that isn't a magical solution to 'CSGO gameplay' as some people purport. What IS the solution is your minimized 'graphically' any work the computer has to do, that it just 'reacting' to your inputs (i.e. twitch jump shooting) more than anything else and sending that 'move' as quickly over your connection as possible to the server to 'beat' the other players input.

I have an i5 6600k (Not OC at the moment), 8GB of DDR4 RAM, GTX 1060 3GB. That's about it. I'm running every thing at low only set multi core rendering on, at 900p. But sometimes I get serious frame drops, normally from 200fps down to 70fps.


I have i5 6600k (Not OC), 8GB of DDR4 Ram, 2 SSD drives, 400W Corsair VS400 and GTX 1060. I'm running everything at low setting, with multi core rendering on at 900p. I was playing inferno with my friend and I asked for his fps while we are standing at the same position.

Ugly graphics, but whatever - LOL!

To add to this, do you pay for a dedicated internet connection JUST for that PC? Or is it shared with Mom and Dad? If you have even your cell phone using the internet connection, that as well can add onto the issue as your getting 'lag drops' from spikes in usage say when Mom starts to watch Netflix or Dad connects to the company VPN.