Question My GPU makes weird buzzing noises in the Game!


Jul 9, 2021
Hey guys.
My System:

i7 10700k
Win 10 64 Bit
RTX 2070 Super
650 W Corsair Psu Gold
Kraken X63 Pump

Its in games like Cyberpunk, Assassins Creed or Star Citizen.
Its just randomly in the game. The Game stutters, I get Frame Drops, and the GPU makes a louder buzzing noise.
In Star Citizen for example, when going into quantum drive, I get a lot of FPS drops, and then the GPU buzzing gets louder.
I've never had any issues with my GPU, but since a few months its constant.
Also I've got a contant coil whining sound now when playing a game, in AC Valhalla its so loud I have to wear headphones.
I dont know what the issue could be. Also when the GPU makes this buzzing sound, and the frames drop in the games, it has to be GPU related right? Or could it be my PSU?
I get normal temps on CPU and GPU, when playing a game. Max on CPU and GPU 60 Degrees.
All games are on a SSD. And something else. When the game micro stutters, the GPU makes buzzing noises which match with the micro stutters!
I dont know what it could be?
When I assembled my PC, I often touched my GPU without earthing myself, could that be the issue?
Thank you guys!
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Make sure it's your GPU.
When I first got my Vega 64 a few years back I got some coil whine/buzzing that I swore was the card. However, it turned out to be that the Vega 64 was pulling substantially more power than the last card and it was my PSU that was buzzing.

Get the cardboard inside from a paper towel roll, put one end to your ear, and move the other end around your computer to different points to pinpoint the buzz.
Ok , I think I'm gonna use my Smartphones Mic and see where the sound is coming from. I'll post as soon as I know, thanks for the help. Is there anything what I could safely change in MSI Afterburner, like Voltage, which could eliminate the problem? (I dont have any idea of Over or Underlocking tough)
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Ok I hold my Smartphone near to my Pump, GPU and PSU. And the thing is, everywhere the sound was on the same volume.
Could it also be the Pump?
The stuttering appears if I'm nearing a Station on a Planet (Star Citizen) and is in synch with the buzzing.
I also tried the paper tower roll, and the noise seems on the same level on PSU, GPU and pump. What can I do?

Heres the buzzing it makes if I'm nearing a station on a Planet (Star Citizen) in Sync with Micro Stuttering in the game:

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Try to press on certain spots in PC Case, with light pressure it should stop the sound ,
Try to press against PSU also,

I had this problem with my old 2080 Super, it was bad Fan bearing, and when pressure was applied on certain spot at the gpu the sound stopped,
Also i had PSU Buzzin from RM650x Corsair, this is where u push against pc case, it should stop then u know its PSU.

Try it.
You mean press against the GPU and PSU with the Fingers? And would you see something on the GPU if it was bad fan bearing?

Yes when the sound is appeared, in game.
Just slitghly press against outside of PSU on certain spots, see if the sounds changes if not.
Do the same on PC Case , u can surely press harder, Try with front then top, And last is try to little bit up-lift the pc with your hands and try to position it differently. (Try to hear for sound changes)

IF THE SOUND CHANGES from PSU (Then its probly Coil Whine when reaching certain POWER DRAW)

IF THE SOUND CHANGES from PC Case position etc. (GPU , and here its get tricky, it can be Coil Whine, Bad Fan, Bad Bearings, Oil leak from fans,)

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I got into MSI Afterburner and changed the Power Limit to 58 % and the beeping was almost gone, not much noticeable anymore.
Then I pumped the Power Limit up to 119 %, and voila, there it was the loud beeping again.
So I'm pretty sure its my GPU. Any advice?
And I got to say, the beeping sound changed only in American Truck Simulator, on the MFS 2020 Loading Screen, the beeping was still there altough i lowered the Power Limit to 58%. But it was less noise in MFS2020 when I lowered it to 58% than on 100%
So should I leave the Power Limit of my GPU at 58% or would I feel a huge decrease in performance?
And is my PSU maybe not sufficient?
I got into MSI Afterburner and changed the Power Limit to 58 % and the beeping was almost gone, not much noticeable anymore.
Then I pumped the Power Limit up to 119 %, and voila, there it was the loud beeping again.
So I'm pretty sure its my GPU. Any advice?
And I got to say, the beeping sound changed only in American Truck Simulator, on the MFS 2020 Loading Screen, the beeping was still there altough i lowered the Power Limit to 58%. But it was less noise in MFS2020 when I lowered it to 58% than on 100%
So should I leave the Power Limit of my GPU at 58% or would I feel a huge decrease in performance?
And is my PSU maybe not sufficient?
This makes me think it's coil whine. Unfortunately there's no easy way to fix this.
How much of a performance different between the two power limits? Go through 5+ 3DMark Time Spy runs at each of the power limits and compare the scores. If it's not noticable then leave it at 58% and be done.
Ok I'll try. But if I'd leave it at 58 Percent with high demanding games, could it damage the GPU or would I get a blacks screen if the Power Limit couldnt handle it?

And then I tried 100 and 58 Percent when playing Star Citizen. When I was nearing a Station on a Planet, I got a lot of microstuttering and Buzzing from my GPU when it was at 100%. When I turned it to 58 % microstuttering and buzzing was better but still there. Is that normal or should it be completly gone?
And also on the MFS2020 Loading Screen, when turning to 58% the Beeping Sound was better but not completly gone.
Ok I'll try. But if I'd leave it at 58 Percent with high demanding games, could it damage the GPU or would I get a blacks screen if the Power Limit couldnt handle it?

And then I tried 100 and 58 Percent when playing Star Citizen. When I was nearing a Station on a Planet, I got a lot of microstuttering and Buzzing from my GPU when it was at 100%. When I turned it to 58 % microstuttering and buzzing was better but still there. Is that normal or should it be completly gone?
And also on the MFS2020 Loading Screen, when turning to 58% the Beeping Sound was better but not completly gone.

I have the same problem man, my GPU make sound even though CPU and GPU temperature are very good and then my FPS and GPU usage drop for part of seconds or a second,
just like your problem and the sound you sent.
my specs are;
CPU: i7 9700k
GPU: rtx 2070 super
RAM: 16gb
Storage1: 500gb ssd
Storage2: 1tb hdd
PSU: corsair 650watt
Cooler: Nzxt kraken x63
Monitor: Asus VG27AQ
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Weird man.
So as I can see we have the same GPU, the same PSU and the same Cooler.
Are you sure its from the GPU? Or maybe the PSU or Cooler?
I really think its my GPU, because as I said above, when I change the Power Limit the Buzzing Sound changes.
So I think its the 2070 Super then? I got an ASUS tough.
I really dont know why its that way. And on the RTX 2070 Super is written, minimum 650W PSU, and we both have one, so that sould be fine right?
And I didnt overclock anything.
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I had a gtx 460 that would do this at certain fan RPMs. There was a small range it happened.
My solution was a home made PCIE card holder with a rubber tip to stop "Harmonic " frequencies. I adjusted it to hold the card slightly up at the power connector end until the harmonics stopped.
As a simple test hold the end of the card up with something ( I used my finger) to press against the shroud around the fans near the power connector end.

@Unolocogringo So thats the Inside of my Case. Do you mean something like the GPU Holder I got there?
Should I try to put the GPU Holder at the end of the GPU and not in the middle like I did?
BTW if the Case is open, I can still hear this buzzing sound, only very quietly. And thats in Desktop Mode, so no game open.

SteveBeast Unolocogringo

When the FPS is uncapped the sound is very loud and too much drops, Even on 360,240,144fps and as I cap the fps more the noise become less and the drop become less (but still exist),
I recorded this video with MSI Afterburner to show the details and if any more details needed I will do other video.
and I tried to press on the GPU and PCIE with my hand but nothing changed
@Pin.x yeah but I got these drops and the buzzing even when I use VSync. I almost always cap my FPS.

@Unolocogringo Ok I put the GPU Holder at the rear end, unfortunately no change. I really dont know what I could do.
Do you think Undervolting the GPU could help? Altough I dont have any idea how that works, and I dont want to damage anything.
@Pin.x yeah but I got these drops and the buzzing even when I use VSync. I almost always cap my FPS.

@Unolocogringo Ok I put the GPU Holder at the rear end, unfortunately no change. I really dont know what I could do.
Do you think Undervolting the GPU could help? Altough I dont have any idea how that works, and I dont want to damage anything.
There are people that tried changing or playing with clocks and volts then their GPU got damaged and killed

I found this video on YT for a guy that had the same problem with RTX2070Super and he requested a refund/replacement

and then found this very good video that explain the problem and the causes + a solution maybe, Its very hard to find videos and articles that talk about this problem.

@SteveBeast Also want to ask you, when did you get the nzxt kraken x63, did you had it from the beginning or you changed cooler? because I have a feeling that maybe after I upgraded my first cooler to NZXT Kraken x63 my PSU didn't handle it, so I might need new PSU which will be more efficient.
Yeah but I dont get it our Corsair 650W should have enough wattage, and they are pretty decent. So why do we have the Sound altough we dont have old PSUs?
I did get the Kraken X63 only 4 months ago. I assembled my PC completly new. I dont know maybe its really the PSU then, and it cant handle it. But I always thought 650 W would be enough, But I had it also before i got the cooler, the buzzing
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Yeah but I dont get it our Corsair 650W should have enough wattage, and they are pretty decent. So why do we have the Sound altough we dont have old PSUs?
I did get the Kraken X63 only 4 months ago. I assembled my PC completly new. I dont know maybe its really the PSU then, and it cant handle it. But I always thought 650 W would be enough, But I had it also before i got the cooler, the buzzing
Yes in RDR2 online even if I play on 60 FPS i still get FPS drops because it uses too much wattage even if GPU usage is 60%, when my GPU watt usage reach more than 110+ i start to get the sound and FPS drops.
Before i buy new PSU I will try many things, first I will update BIOS, also I will try my GPU on another build of my friend, he have rtx 2070 super but better PSU.