Just over a year ago, I bought a Zotac GTX 960 4gig version for a good deal and worked like a charm till later this week. I heard loud noises and immediately thought it was the CPU stock heatsink (which I had an earlier issue with and got replaced) but no, the graphics card fans were producing a loud noise and I could smell a burning plastic like smell. Honestly I never cleaned the GPU as much as I did the other components because I was too scared of ruining the card in whatever way. So it is clogged with dust to an extent.
Also the card still worked fine with no display issues minus the noise with 65°C being the max at gameplay (on WWE 2k20, as I wasn't confident on testing it on much demanding games)
I want a simple solution... Would cleaning the GPU help as in will it fix my problems thereafter, is there a GPU fan problem or is the smell indicating the card being fried or something?
Also the card still worked fine with no display issues minus the noise with 65°C being the max at gameplay (on WWE 2k20, as I wasn't confident on testing it on much demanding games)
I want a simple solution... Would cleaning the GPU help as in will it fix my problems thereafter, is there a GPU fan problem or is the smell indicating the card being fried or something?