jbake47 :
At stable 4.5 Ghz I see my Vcore spiking as high at 1.4v in both HWINFO and CPU-Z, when benching the temps max out at 80 C. When I run 4.6 it starts at 1.35v but as soon as I start Prime95 or Realbench it immediately gives me a blue screen, so I have no readings for 4.6.
Yea, line Makentox says above you should manually set your vcore while determining your OC. (After you know the required vcore you can use an offset).
What is the max vcore you would be comfortable with? For me I'm not confortable going over 1.35v, some are ok going to 1.4v. I would manually set your vcore to the max you are comfortable with at 4.5GHz. Run stress/stability tests and see if you are stable and temps are <80C. If you are stable, try 4.6Ghz and monitor vcore/temps. If you are stable, trying to slowly back vcore down to the the minimum required to stay stable. If you are not stable at 4.6GHz, go back to 4.5G and slowly back vcore down to the the minimum required to stay stable.