Walkthrough My Initiation With a Game Called Remnant II

I just started playing Remnant II yesterday. This is dubbed a "Souls With Guns" type game, so I was a bit intimidated, as Dark Souls is not my type of game at all. I'm playing as a "Handler" archetype, and although I play it solo and the canine companion's main skill minimizes the effects of friendly fire (so is useless to me), I find the dog is pretty effective at both distracting and killing enemies that would otherwise relentlessly swarm you. He has his limits though, for instance if you go down near an AOE, there's a good chance he'll get stuck in it and die and not be able to revive you. And you can't let him run willy nilly among several foes and take cover to reload, heal, etc, if the spot he's in is not approachable from where you're taking cover (such as dropping down off a ledge that can't be mantled). That's really only a problem if you need his help from where you take cover at, as when you move farther forward, he'll eventually warp to you anyway, even if he's gone down.

There's a lot to this game though as far as it's game world and gear and upgrades. It has sections of it's game world you cross into which are procedurally generated, so there's no telling how your playthrough will progress or compare to that of others, or even your previous playthroughs. There are a few key sub worlds, as well as key chests and items in them, but that's about all you can count on. That aspect of it even has some whom are exp
erienced at playing it misleading others as to what items you can find and where. For instance one YTer, who's video I saw, insisted the Vengeance Idol, an amulet that buffs your damage output 30% when your health is below 50%, can be found in The Twisted Chantry, but I didn't find it until I went to Endaira's End just after.

Even beyond that, each sub world can appear different for some as it does for others. It will look for the most part the same as far as the enemies it contains and the features of the environment, but the layout will be different. This means using the map to navigate and even the means to get to secrets can be quite different. I was seeing YouTube vids of The Twisted Chantry showing access to a lower area by means of passing through a surface that looked like a wall, but was immaterial. For me the method was to jump off a ledge in a spot where it's rock wall was broken, down into a large coffin. It was not easy to find because you could not see from above that the coffin had an opening at one end you could get through via crouching. Right behind the spot where I jumped off the ledge was a locked door, so I'd spent a fair bit of time looking for a key, as it's often times the way through them.

The story's premise isn't as well presented as it could be, and the archetype you play never speaks except in cutscenes, remaining silent when choosing dialog options in conversations with NPCs, and your dialog choices don't seem to change anything as in full on RPGs. At best asking certain questions has NPCs referring you to someone whom can help you with what you're seeking, whether it be how to get somewhere, or some of your gear needing upgrading. The story is based on plant based creatures trying to take over everything, but some of the enemies don't look anything like a tree based species. There is however an effect called root rot that can sicken you and slow you down during combat if you don't use the cure for it.

Combat, world, and puzzle wise it's very well thought out and very engaging and immersive. I can see too that it's likely to have tons of replay value due to the several archetypes and gear builds you can go with, and where the game randomly takes you environment wise. It is pretty tough to play solo though, even if starting out on the lowest difficulty like I am, Survivor mode. It kind of lulls you into thinking you'll be fine, but when you encounter more aggressive enemies, mini bosses, and especially main bosses that have a ton of health, it can easily take several tries. I find the dog really helps as long as you can manage to circle around and use cover here and there while he distracts them, but there are times that is not viable.

The checkpoint system is large red crystals here and there that pop out of the ground when you get near them. The plus is, when you interact with them by touching them, they fully replenish your ammo, health, and health packs called Dragon Hearts. The negative is, doing this also resets ALL the enemies in that area. So if you think you can use them to backtrack, restock, and go back to where you were, you'll have to either fight through all those enemies again, or get lucky running past them. I've tried the latter more than once, and even with my trusty dog distracting them, yet still catching up to me, I died every time. This is because if you try to disregard the enemies it places in front of you, it adapts and places more (and tougher ones) in your path as you go. Dying takes you back to the last checkpoint you activated, with, you guessed it, all enemies present.

The checkpoints however DO serve both as a means to perfect your attempt to get through an area via retries, and are also a means to fully restock once you clear an area, as each new area tends to have another checkpoint at the start of it. The game encourages you to be aggressive, as killing enemies will reward you with the type of ammo drops you need. You DO need to use it carefully though, as you aren't given an abundant amount, even on the lowest difficulty mode. It also encourages you to explore a lot, as various crates, chests, and coffins have valuable items that can be very useful.

The dog and careful use of melee can help you prepare for boss fights when saving ammo is a priority, as ammo drops don't happen with every enemy gunned down. If it feels you are stuck trying to find the way to your objective, stick to the sub worlds marked with a (!), and look for edges of it's map that look feathery, without a well defined outer edge. That's a sign it will lead you to unexplored parts of it. However there are parts of certain maps, such as the Ward 13 base, which are unreachable until you progress a certain ways into the story. There's no New Game + in this game, so the only way to start a game with all your gear and upgrades is to grind to get them, then jump in with someone else at the start of their game in coop. However, since I tend to often task myself with solo challenges, it makes me want to instead try to perfect my gameplay and become more efficient.

I have a couple videos forthcoming, one of the mini boss called Rot at that aforementioned secret area of The Twisted Chantry, and one of the boss called Mother Mind at the end of The Nameless Nest. I also beat the main boss called Legion at the end of The Twisted Chantry, and he's definitely tougher than Rot, but unfortunately I did not capture it.

Here's those videos I mentioned. There will likely be more added as I progress through the game.

The Twisted Chantry - Rot

This shows how you need to refight all enemies that respawn if you choose to restock health and ammo with a checkpoint.

The Nameless Nest - Mother Mind

It can be hard to dodge attacks in this fight, as you need to run like hell to get to safe ground, or you'll fall to your death.

OK, here's those latest videos I promised. Some of the worlds are now lavish indoor environments, and one is a quite unique hub of all others. There was a brief moment of buggy enemy spawns in one of the indoor environments, but nothing game breaking. More concerning was a momentary bug in one boss fight where my weapon wouldn't fire. I've read of this happening in Remnant 1, and it is said it typically happens after doing something like reloading, healing, etc. Along the way I picked up a new weapon and armor.

Forgotten Field - Defiler

This is the boss fight at the end of Forgotten field, which starts by freeing a friendly from entanglements.

The Great Bole - Corruptor

This is the boss of all of Yaesha, which comprises everything above I've explored thus far. This is why when you beat it you earn the ability to reroll Yaesha via Adventure Mode, which helps you find better items you've not yet encountered. Here is where I had that dreaded weapon wouldn't fire bug, right after I healed. It had to happen against the toughest boss in all of Yaesha! :( There was also right after that a moment where my hits weren't landing as the reticule was stuck white, even though I was clearly aiming at his head.

It took me a little while to realize the biggest threat is not Corruptor itself, but what it corrupts, a big multi blade wielding robot looking thing. You need to stay on the move and avoid it's charged blades by shooting them, and stay out of the way of it's devastating jump attack. Near the end I actually got the boss to finish off this nasty contraption. :LOL:

The Labyrinth - Master Portal Key Fight

It's really too bad this fight had no official named boss, like Keymaster or something. All enemies in The Labyrinth are stone based, and this is the first fight there that involves taking on multiple heavies at once, which can do AOE attacks.

The Labyrinth - Sentinel

Well, this one DOES have a boss name, and although it's much harder and more interesting than the Master Portal Key fight, what you fight feels more like machine than beast, and it does little to aim attacks directly at you.

The Labyrinth - The Keeper

Be forewarned that there are story spoilers here. There's not much combat here, but it reveals...
...where Clementine is, and finding her is the main objective through all of Yaesha. She is with The Keeper, whom says the Labyrinth is the hub of all worlds, and that his task is to maintain all the worlds. He also says he as well is fighting the Root.

Beatific Palace - Magic Quill

This is one of those lavish indoor environments I spoke of, and this one is a sort of hub to many other worlds. You must first however find that Magic Quill.

Postulant's Parlor - Royal Hunting Bow

Another indoor environment that's fairly lavish, and was my first in the world of Losomn. It has no passages to other worlds, just back to Beatific Palace. There are only items to collect here via a mini game. It's geared more toward coop, especially if you want to get one of the main 3 items, a ring that divides healing among allies. Since I play solo, I sufficed without it. I DID however get the Royal Hunting Bow and Fae Royal Armor set, but I only show the bow being obtained. The bow is fairly powerful, but unfortunately too slow for groups of enemies.

Shattered Gallery

This is another indoor environment, but more dark and gloomy. The enemies are a bit more formidable here, and there are signs a battle took place. This is my 2nd trip through it, as I was ill equipped with the non modable weapons I used in The Labyrinth. I decided to go back to Ward 13 and upgrade my modable weapons instead. This is also where that momentary bug happened with enemy spawns.

Shattered Gallery - Magister Dullain

This is the boss of Shattered Gallery, and he looks rather nasty. He was fairly quick work with my upgraded weapons though, and this is the first boss fight where I made good use of weapon mods.

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OK, I have a couple more vids for you. There's just two this time because they total nearly 2 hrs of gameplay. These are also similarly themed in much darker maps. They pick up where I left off after the Shattered Gallery boss, which dumped me back in Beatific Palace.

Ironborough - Harvester's Reach - Barghest the Vile

So after a quick bit of fighting through the palace to get to the next objective marked by an (!), I wound up in Ironborough. This is a bit of a crazy town type setting full of narrow streets and town folk whom attack "outsiders' on sight with melee weapons, guns, and Molotov's. There's the occasional axe wielding Brute, as well as a new enemy, the Dran Demolisher, a heavy with a weird gas powered triple circular saw gadget. His weapon now and then dies on him, and he has to stop and pull start it like a chainsaw. He's also got an interesting death animation where his own weapon does a number on his head when he goes down.

These areas, mostly the Harvester's Reach dungeon portion, also usher in a new creature called the Harvester, including one that is the boss. He has abilities called Thick Skin and Displacer, meaning he takes a fair bit of damage, and can teleport you to him, or him to you, when you try to escape his lair to fight him in open ground. There's also a small side quest here where a sobbing man asks you to look for his wife Dria. Little did I know I got what I needed (her anklet) after the boss fight, and only had to give it to him to get his reward, which I later came back and got off capture. However this oversight lead me to find a new area I might not have otherwise.

The Great Sewers - Bloat King

Now we've ventured into an even darker, more dank place, the sewers, which has more town folk, and a lot of regular and shock slug type creatures. There's also one Harvester here that catches you by surprise if you know where to look for him, whom drops a ring when you kill him. Another hidden gem in this area is a safe, that involves a puzzle to find it's combination.

The boss is a bit tricky and not as creepy as you might imagine a sewer boss to be, but if you fall and get stuck in the water with lots of shock slugs around you, chances are it won't end well. You CAN however if you're quick and find your way to the ladder, slither between the slugs relatively unscathed. However far too often I accidentally engaged with that ladder while atop the stone platforms, which slows you down considerably and makes you a sitting duck for the boss' shocking orbs he throws at you.

This dumped me out into a place called Malefic Palace, but at some point I need to go back to Beatific Palace to see what other realms it leads to. I'm pretty sure it had at least one more of those Magic Quill doors. Ironborough also has a place in the middle of it I want to get back to called Hewdas Clock, which is a big clock tower puzzle. I suppose I could have done it while I was there, but that realm was already taking a really long time to get through.
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Deleted member 2731765

Good description. To avoid any early suspense, spoilers, I'm gonna watch some of the videos later on.

I bought this game and few others last week. Completed the Prologue, and the first boss, Root Mantis ! I have chosen Challenger as the "archetype". :) I think we can change and swap these classes/builds/archetypes later on in the game of course after unlocking them/10 Trait Points.

BTW, I think I made a mistake by choosing Challenger as the archetype, since it focuses more on close combat. I'm gonna restart the game from the beginning starting with the " Gunslinger" archetype.

Everything is quite random in this game it seems. Maps are randomly generated. Enemies are randomly placed. Item drops and treasure chests are random. Even the starting world is random, IMO. Just gonna buy some weapons in Ward 13 after the first boss fight though.

I just bought an RTX 4060 8GB variant GPU and started gaming again. Despite the lackluster paper specs, the card is still heaps faster than my previous AMD RX 480 GPU. For 1080p gaming, it's a good option. And 8GB VRAM is more than enough for me, given the type of games I mostly play these days.

The checkpoint system is large red crystals here and there that pop out of the ground when you get near them. The plus is, when you interact with them by touching them, they fully replenish your ammo, health, and health packs called Dragon Hearts. The negative is, doing this also resets ALL the enemies in that area. So if you think you can use them to backtrack, restock, and go back to where you were, you'll have to either fight through all those enemies again, or get lucky running past them.

That sounds similar to Elden Ring, and Dark Souls checkpoint system. Even 'Lords of the fallen' has it, and it can become a bit annoying because it will RESPAWN all the enemies in that particular area. But for fast travelling these checkpoints need to be activated.
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Good description. To avoid any early suspense, spoilers, I'm gonna watch some of the videos later on.

I bought this game and few others last week. Completed the Prologue, and the first boss, Root Mantis ! I have chosen Challenger as the "archetype". :) I think we can change and swap these classes/builds/archetypes later on in the game of course after unlocking them/10 Trait Points.

BTW, I think I made a mistake by choosing Challenger as the archetype, since it focuses more on close combat. I'm gonna restart the game from the beginning starting with the " Gunslinger" archetype.

Everything is quite random in this game it seems. Maps are randomly generated. Enemies are randomly placed. Item drops and treasure chests are random. Even the starting world is random, IMO. Just gonna buy some weapons in Ward 13 after the first boss fight though.

I just bought an RTX 4060 8GB variant GPU and started gaming again. Despite the lackluster paper specs, the card is still heaps faster than my previous AMD RX 480 GPU. For 1080p gaming, it's a good option. And 8GB VRAM is more than enough for me, given the type of games I mostly play these days.

That sounds similar to Elden Ring, and Dark Souls checkpoint system. Even 'Lords of the fallen' has it, and it can become a bit annoying because it will RESPAWN all the enemies in that particular area. But for fast travelling these checkpoints need to be activated.

Congrats on finally getting that much needed GPU upgrade, you now have a GPU roughly 18% faster than my GTX 1080! I'm currently in a situation where needed truck repairs are putting my PC upgrade on hold.

Funny you say you tried the Challenger archetype and are now planning to restart as Gunslinger due to forced close quarters combat. That was the main reason I opted to not play as a Challenger. If you have any problems with Gunslinger you may want to try Handler, as the dog helps a lot, especially when he advances in skill. You can still buy any weapon you want.

I actually use weapon mods more than archetype skills anyway. I have Tremor on my rifle, and Hot Shot on my pistol. Tremor gives you an alt fire that lobs mines that do LOTS of damage. When the enemy trips them they do tons of damage AND slow them down. Hot Shot makes your projectiles incendiary, which is very effective as well.

Yeah the game relies heavily on procedural generation of random maps and enemies. I caught hell from one guy on another forum just for calling it a procedurally generated game, even though I made it clear I was not talking about the original meaning of the term where the entire world of the game was generated on the fly to avoid load screens and LOD problems from massive content loading.

I think Gunfire Games has done an incredible enough job with just the procedurally generated part of this title though to justify describing it as the main focus of the development, because clearly that's the most interesting thing about the game and what sets it apart from most game worlds. Kind of silly to mince words over one calling it a procedurally generated game, especially considering how much procedural generation has evolved over the years.

Have you played Elden Ring, Dark Souls, and Lords of the Fallen, or are you just referring to what you've read/heard about them? I never play those types of games because I find the boss fights to be a very tedious, difficult grind. I do not do well in general in melee based games where you fight bosses with a HUGE amount of health and precisely timed counters, dodges, and attacks are necessary. That's why I had a lot of trouble with the Valkyrie Queen in God of War 2018. It was mainly because some of her attacks were so quick and hard to see coming, but that game on KB/M also requires you to double tap to dodge, which wastes too much time.
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Deleted member 2731765

Have you played Elden Ring, Dark Souls, and Lords of the Fallen, or are you just referring to what you've read/heard about them?

Yes, I have played them but only casually.

But Dark Souls series not that much, mostly Lords of the Fallen/LOTF and some levels of Elden Ring. Even I suck when it comes to close/melee combat, and these games really have punishing difficulty, especially the Boss fights. Perfect timing for block/parry and dodge/roll is required.

But contrary to the Dark Souls series, LOTF was a bit easy to beat since the enemies are not that powerful in this game, and most of the enemies are just plain dumb and stand still unless you approach them very closely. Elden Ring is kind of tough though, and even I can't beat the game without using any cheats/Trainers.

But I know using a trainer would defeat the whole purpose of the challenge and gameplay, but it's fun to beat big bosses without taking much damage, hehe. Never played God of War 2018 properly, but I know some of the enemy encounters are tough in this game as well.

It's in my backlog/pending list, along with Days Gone, Dying Light 2, Dead Island 2, RE4 remake, AC: VALHALLA and few others. Now it's time for me to replay other games as well, since my new GPU is much faster and provides a better gaming experience, and a fluid gameplay, with less performance drops.

Also planning to get 'Callisto Protocol' as well, but not sure whether this is as good as the "Dead Space" series though.

Deleted member 2731765

Congrats on finally getting that much needed GPU upgrade, you now have a GPU roughly 18% faster than my GTX 1080! I'm currently in a situation where needed truck repairs are putting my PC upgrade on hold.

Thanks btw. Yes, the 4060 is damn fast than my previous GPU, and I can already feel the difference in gaming. AC: Valhalla now runs much smoothly on max settings and so does Far Cry 6, Atomic Heart and other AAA games, despite some slight bottleneck due to my current CPU.

The card also sips very less power and is efficient as well. We have actually reached a peak of technological advancement in the last few years in Computer hardware, Electronics and Smartphones etc.

Today's Core i3 quad-core 13'th GEN Intel CPU easily beats my 4'th gen core i7 4790 processor as well by a reasonable margin, while costing less.
Thanks btw. Yes, the 4060 is damn fast than my previous GPU, and I can already feel the difference in gaming. AC: Valhalla now runs much smoothly on max settings and so does Far Cry 6, Atomic Heart and other AAA games, despite some slight bottleneck due to my current CPU.

The card also sips very less power and is efficient as well. We have actually reached a peak of technological advancement in the last few years in Computer hardware, Electronics and Smartphones etc.

Today's Core i3 quad-core 13'th GEN Intel CPU easily beats my 4'th gen core i7 4790 processor as well by a reasonable margin, while costing less.

Those are some of the games I plan to get and play, not sure on Dead Island 2 though. I have read Calisto Protocol used to be a real pain to play at the start due to very limited ammo and difficult melee combat. They updated it to be more forgiving though due to many complaints. Two of the most common complaints were ridiculously slow reloading, and very slow healing. Most say it's much more playable now.

I definitely want to play Atomic Heart and Dead Space Remake as well. (y)

Deleted member 2731765

Atomic Heart is a nice game. Great voice acting, story and satisfying combat. The game is a bit demanding on the hardware though, and the visuals/graphics don't fully justify the high system requirements.

But despite that, the environments still look amazing, and Mundfish has used numerous high-quality textures. The game can also push a lot of characters on screen with ease. My only gripe with Atomic Heart is its limited draw distance. Even on Max Settings, the game has noticeable pop-in issues (for both characters and environments).

Sometimes the pop-in can get a bit annoying/distracting. But despite using Unreal Engine 4, the game does not suffer from any major stuttering issues though.

Btw, I will get Dead Island 2 first, instead of "Callisto Protocol" if the game is too tough to beat even in the early levels. I don't like a very challenging gameplay/combat, and where the resources are also scarce.

A quick google search reveals that the game is indeed tough to beat, and it hasn't received much positive feedback from gamers and reviewers overall as well.

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A quick google search reveals that the game is indeed tough to beat, and it hasn't received much positive feedback from gamers and reviewers overall as well.

Be careful to note WHEN those reviews were made, because they probably came out when the game released, not after it was updated to be more playable. Search YT for reviews made AFTER that update. I've seen one that even compares the before and after. Like I said, most say it's MUCH more playable now, especially the beginning.

Deleted member 2731765

Be careful to note WHEN those reviews were made, because they probably came out when the game released, not after it was updated to be more playable. Search YT for reviews made AFTER that update. I've seen one that even compares the before and after. Like I said, most say it's MUCH more playable now, especially the beginning.

Oh yeah, I realized that afterwards, after reading the review's date. You are correct. Anyway, it now appears that the latest game updates have indeed changed the perspective for this game. They have taken care of the difficulty level it seems.

Might give it a try then. But before that I'm gonna watch some gameplay videos, and read some more reviews and forum topics.
Well, I was going to wait until I'd captured the final boss fight in The Forgotten Kingdom DLC, but ShadowPlay stopped working, and I have yet to get a response on a problem I'm having with OBS in a thread I posted on a few forums. So for now, I will just post the videos I have thus far.

These are all on Veteran, as I started a new playthrough and decided I'd bump up from the lowest difficulty (Survivor), to the 2nd one, which is Veteran. I'm still playing as a Handler with the Dog. The Dog is usually great, but in the final boss fight of TFK he is little help, as the boss is airborne.

I kind of went crazy on one boss, going back to the Ward 13 hub and buying and partially upgrading two other sets of weapons, as the first weapons you're given as Handler were not getting it done. One short gun I bought worked out well for one boss though, and a change of tactics for the other boss.

Forgotten Prison - Tal Ratha The Metaphysical

This is the tail end of a quest to fetch the Soul Spark Cylinder, which can be a bit tough to find. Once you bring it to Tal Ratha, you have a few options via dialog, and depending on your dialog choices, you end up fighting his normal appearance, or the metaphysical one, the latter being harder. I struggled a bit when first trying this fight, as it requires a lot of well timed dodges.

The Labyrinth - Master Portal Key

This is a fight I posted already on Survivor mode, but the tactics differ slightly on Veteran, where you need to take cover more against the tougher enemies that have powerful attacks. The Dog is still a beast though, he's like "Harder mode, what do you mean? I still have the chomps for it",...and he quite literally does.

The Labyrinth - Sentinel

This is another fight already posted on Survivor. The only real reason to post this is to show at least SOME fights are almost identical on higher difficulty modes, as long as you get the tactics and timing right. The stones, projectiles, and big energy waves definitely do more damage though, so you need to limit contact with them.

The Great Sewers - Bloat King

Yet another fight already posted on Survivor, but here, your tactics need to be more precise and well thought out. Well timed dodges of the energy beams, and running and jumping to other platforms to avoid the large beam it tracks you with, and keep your distance from the boss, are key. And when stuck in a spot where I could not make such a jump, I found dropping down near a ladder, then climbing right back up avoids two problems, getting zapped by the shock slugs in the water, and getting hit by the boss' minor (or even explosive) orbs if you take too long to get to a ladder, which can be hard to find in all the chaos.

Shattered Gallery - Magister Dullain

Again, another boss already posted on Survivor, but he is definitely a bit more aggressive on Veteran. He can rush you pretty quickly to try and catch you with his spear-like tongue, I narrowly avoided it at least once. He also does multiple tosses of creatures and toxic blobs at you, so you have to keep more distance. As always with ground fights though, the Dog is great for distracting the boss and his minions, and doing some damage to him.

Morrow Parish/The Tormented Asylum - The Nightweaver

This is a segment I'd not played before, and it has a pretty good mood setting look to it, and a great boss fight. It took a little longer than maybe it should have to find the realm the boss was in, due to my overlooking where the objective point was, and not realizing I already had the key to open it.

This is the boss I was referring to where one of the short guns I thought was a wasted purchase, turned out to be quite useful. It's called the Enigma, which is a shock weapon. It will lock onto multiple enemies at shorter ranges, and fire tether spikes in mod mode that chain powerful shocks to the enemy. You must fire one spike on the enemy, and another nearby.

That isn't to say precise dodges aren't key as well. She has a very powerful follow up slam after swooping toward you, as well as some very damaging stars she throws, and a small airstrike barrage. There's some little critters she sends after you as well when she's recovering, but if you just hold down your Enigma trigger on regular mode, it easily wipes out all of them.

The 2nd phase is actually harder, as it takes place indoors with less space, and she can appear in many places and ways, through various spots in the walls, floor, and ceiling. She is crawling at this point for the most part, but she has a very quick and powerful attack where she stands up and throws stars at you. For this reason I used a stick and go tactic, vs round a small pillar.

The Labyrinth - The Keeper 2nd Segment

I know I showed an encounter with The Keeper before, but I think it was the 1st one. This is the 2nd one, where Clementine is now more in tune with the realms and her purpose. It also shows how nasty some of the tougher stone enemies can be in this realm as I try to leave the place.

Deserted Atelier - Cinderclad Forge

This is a segment I've not played before, with a large mechanical boss you fight in a confined space, that sprouts a very large tree trunk looking appendage at one point. Frankly I was struggling with this boss until I started using the Nightfall long gun, which is a reward for beating the Nightweaver boss. It has a great mod mode where it fires continuously without needing to reload, and grants you invulnerability to most attacks while moving and firing it, and can even heal you back to full health.

This segment has some tough enemies along the way, one of which in particular was very hard to deal with. It's a flying creature that's green. It darts around very quickly, so is hard to target, and it can swoop down at you quickly and let out a shriek that stuns you. If you manage to find a good place to lure it into a choke point, it goes down fairly quickly, but I've died from it several times, and in this run after respawning, it did not appear.

There is also a large creature called the Living Plant, which stalks you slowly, but can sprout several flower looking creatures at some distance, which act as sort of "Bouncing Betty" mines that detonate on time release. So you really need to retreat and shoot it from a distance, unless you have a good weapon mod charged up. Two others that are menacing are a smaller mobile version of the boss in this segment, which shoots fireball mortars at you, and an archer that can summons minions with his arrows he shoots straight up.

Ancient Canopy/The Bloodless Throne/Luminous Vale

These are just 3 connected areas (all new to me) that you travel through on your way to getting something for Lydusa, the main boss of The Forgotten Kingdom. To ensure you bring her what she wants, she casts a spell on you which makes you turn to stone when you die. The aforementioned green flying creature shows up here as well, and this time I did capture it twice at the 8:10 and 24:30 marks. I've yet to find anything that says what it's called.

Earthen Coliseum - The Stonewarden

It becomes obvious at the end of this segment why it's called Earthen Coliseum, as the boss fight takes place in a square coliseum type setting. This boss, The Stonewarden, is fairly formidable, his attacks are pretty powerful, and you need to make many dexterous dodges. It's a bit of a poetic dance, hence the consonantic rhythm. The "audience" of this coliseum are numerous of his fellow warriors. These lower level enemies participate to some degree as the boss is recuperating. Their participation is more like being part of a sliding mechanism though, and if you manage to setup quickly in spots to avoid it, you can get extra damage in on the boss.

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i have to say i'll never myself play such games, but it sure is fun watching you fight a boss or 2. the game itself is really good looking as well.

enjoy the rest of the game :)
Well thanks for watching, and the kind words. I often find myself marveling not only at the quality of the graphics in the game, but the creativity of each realm and it's creatures. May your gaming adventures be enjoyable too. ;)