Question My keyboard and mouse keeps being weird.

Sep 26, 2019
My keyboard is starting to get annoying. First it started with the S not working. I mean it works at some times but it is so annoying. Then my delete button stops working, the same as S, and to the end also Caps Lock stop working. Also same as S. I noticed when S stops working, these two keys also stop working.
My LMB also doesn't often click. It's a gaming mouse I got like a month ago.
It doesn't work like that S, its just randomly not clicking.
Could this be a driver issue? My touchpad is working correctly.
Is that a laptop keyboard? I am asking because you mentioned touchpad. If not then can you please give the exact brand and/or make and model of both the keyboard and mouse?
It is a laptop keyboard. But I use a gaming mouse, LMB stops working there from time to time but on touchpad it works normally.
My mouse is a Trust GXT 108 Rava. Bought it a month ago and it was working till the LMB stopped working a week ago. I got it because my last mouse stopped working completely.