My microphone does static noises


Dec 12, 2016
So I have BM800, with a external soundcard.
It arrived yesterday and works perfectly, but the problem is those static background noises.

some people will say, ''you should by X or Y'' for example.. but I wont gonna buy anything.
I know windows realtek drivers has that 'noise suppression' thing, but the problem is that the 'enchantments tab (which that noise suppression is in it) doesnt appear, maybe because the microphone connected to the soundcard which connected to the computer with USB.

So I'm looking for a software that does the same job as that noise suppression does.
I'm not going to use 'noise gate'. and editing my voice isn't a good solution because I need to speak live to peoples without editing.

If I posted this in the wrong forum, please dont ban me because I dont know where to post it.
