My new build


Aug 23, 2014
Hello everyone Im starting my new job in couple of weeks and thought i would get a nice new gaming pc. I have a system at the moment but going to give away to my family to make room for my new one. Can i get as many opinions on what i should be looking for in the parts. It will be used for pure gaming and internet mostly. Can you also say why you think the parts you picked are good. Not the best with PC parts. Budget £0-£800 maybe £900 Thanks
Will you be needing an OS, monitor, mouse and keyboard? If not, here is a build towards the top of your budget, but is a great setup. It is also completely ready for SLI in the future. I have a powerful enough PSU so that you can just simply add a second 970 in the future when you want more performance.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (£171.54 @ Aria PC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (£24.19 @ CCL Computers)
Motherboard: ASRock Z97 EXTREME4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£106.99 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: Kingston Fury White Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866...


Mar 17, 2013

Check out this post. It discusses and has a build that is relevant to your situation. If you're going to spend a bit more, you can probably upgrade some components listed in the post.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor (£143.99 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: ASRock H97 PRO4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£69.98 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£62.39 @ Aria PC)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£39.96 @ CCL Computers)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card (£299.96 @
Case: Corsair 300R ATX Mid Tower Case (£51.97 @
Power Supply: Antec High Current Gamer 620W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (£66.44 @ Amazon UK)
Optical Drive: Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer (£10.09 @ CCL Computers)
Total: £744.78
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-05 18:42 BST+0100
Will you be needing an OS, monitor, mouse and keyboard? If not, here is a build towards the top of your budget, but is a great setup. It is also completely ready for SLI in the future. I have a powerful enough PSU so that you can just simply add a second 970 in the future when you want more performance.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (£171.54 @ Aria PC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (£24.19 @ CCL Computers)
Motherboard: ASRock Z97 EXTREME4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£106.99 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: Kingston Fury White Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory (£59.94 @ CCL Computers)
Storage: *Sandisk Solid State Drive 128GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£43.98 @ Ebuyer)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£39.96 @ CCL Computers)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB Twin Frozr V Video Card (£274.99 @ Ebuyer)
Case: BitFenix Comrade ATX Mid Tower Case (£28.79 @ Aria PC)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 750W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£59.05 @ Amazon UK)
Optical Drive: Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer (£13.15 @ Amazon UK)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8 (OEM) (64-bit) (£72.84 @ Ebuyer)
Total: £895.42
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-05 18:47 BST+0100


Aug 23, 2014

When i ask for opinions everyone always says get and i5 but wouldnt a i7 be better or does it not matter



i7 does not give extra performance in games, games dont use the hyperthreading that the i7 has over the i5.


Mar 17, 2013

It's not going to matter in gaming, The i5 just doesn't have Hyperthreading.

In some games an i7 will be faster, but usually only by a few FPS, which is most often because of clock speed. It's not worth an extra $100 right now if you are just gaming.


SLI is the technology used by NVIDIA to run multiple graphics cards together. AMD calls their tech Crossfire. So it allows you to put 2 to 4 graphics cards in your computer to increase performance. Most people just add a second card when you need a boost in performance a few years after you own your computer and games become more demanding.


Aug 23, 2014

So with the setup you have given what sort of performance can i expect lioke BF4 and would they be able to play future games like the witcher and stuff like that


Mar 17, 2013

A 970 with a 4670K should be able to max any game for a while (at 1080p and below).

Frag is right. You will get 60+ fps in BF4 on ultra settings at 1080p. It will get you at least 30+ fps with ultra settings on any games that come out in the next year. Most like more like 40 or 50 fps, depending on how demanding games become. Its hard to predict the future. The 4690k with a 970 GPU is very very close to the highest end of gaming performance.


Mar 17, 2013

No. That build has a lesser processor, single channel RAM, and Windows 7. Windows 8 is better for gaming. The 290 is definitely worse than the 970, as well.

No. The z97 chipset will support the new CPU's Intel rolls out in the future. The "K" in the 4690K means it has an unlocked multiplier, so you can overclock it very easily. You also need to have a z** motherboard to overclock.

And I would take the new GTX 970 over the R9 290. It cost the same or less, and has a better performance. I don't know if I would trust that PSU either. Stick with Antec, Corsair, EVGA, XFX, or Seasonic.

Good call. I didn't even notice the single channel ram.


Aug 23, 2014
What do i need a SSD for. Sorry for all the questions just want to build the best PC possible. Is there any parts that would make the pc better for gaming or is that as good as i could get do u think


Mar 17, 2013

RookieOfTheYear's build is about as good as it gets with your budget. His build is a very nice gaming PC. The only thing that would really improve it would be a 980, which isn't worth the cost for a 10 - 12 FPS improvement.

An SSD is much better than an HDD for the OS. It is one of the main things to upgrade with new new builds, as it will improve OS speed (boot times). You can put your OS and small, light programs on it to speed them up (responsiveness, load times ect.) and you can put games on your HDD.
A SSD doesn't do a whole lot for gaming. You will get more consistent FPS, but it won't increase FPS (frames per second). It will also give you quicker loading times. The real advantages of having a SSD, is with computer boot up times. My computer boots in about 10 seconds. That's from being completely off, to on and opening up programs. It will also open up programs and everything almost instantly. I personally love them, and won't ever go without one.

Here is a little break down of the advantages of a solid state drive over a hard drive.

In video rendering it would also finish 14 seconds faster.