[SOLVED] My new i9 9900k only get to 4.3 Ghz with turbo boost !!

May 6, 2019
I didn't modify or tweak any thing, it is in stock condition, if this speed is what i should expect ? because i see a lot of people getting 4.7 Ghz on all cores. if it is not normal how can i get 4.7 Ghz ?
That depends on load and temperature. 4.7Ghz indicates that 5 or more cores are being loaded. 3 - 4 cores 4.8Ghz and 2 cores at 5Ghz. 4.3Ghz indicates your cooling performance might be too low.

Only real way to achieve 4.7Ghz across all cores would be to enable MCE (That will make a go at 5Ghz) or manually set the clock frequencies per core. Or sync all cores and disable the power states and set the cores to 4.7Ghz.
That depends on load and temperature. 4.7Ghz indicates that 5 or more cores are being loaded. 3 - 4 cores 4.8Ghz and 2 cores at 5Ghz. 4.3Ghz indicates your cooling performance might be too low.

Only real way to achieve 4.7Ghz across all cores would be to enable MCE (That will make a go at 5Ghz) or manually set the clock frequencies per core. Or sync all cores and disable the power states and set the cores to 4.7Ghz.
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it was a cooling issue as Eximo stated above. As soon as i turned my air conditioner on the cpu reached 4.7 Ghz,
i got corsair 100i , asus prime z390, 2080ti, 32gb tridnet g.skillz
Only real way to achieve 4.7Ghz across all cores would be to enable MCE (That will make a go at 5Ghz) or manually set the clock frequencies per core. Or sync all cores and disable the power states and set the cores to 4.7Ghz.
This is incorrect. The per core turbo is set to 4.7 for 8 cores out of the box. Whether or not it hits this turbo at default bios settings depends on the motherboard. Some boards default to enforcing the TDP which causes the CPU to downclock at load. Gigabyte Aorus boards for example don’t enforce the TDP and will turbo to 4.7 right out of the box and stay there with even with 100% load as long as you don’t thermal throttle from insufficient cpu cooling. Some boards make you up turbo duration and power limits to sustain 4.7 ghz at full load.
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it was a cooling issue as Eximo stated above. As soon as i turned my air conditioner on the cpu reached 4.7 Ghz,
i got corsair 100i , asus prime z390, 2080ti, 32gb tridnet g.skillz

There could be 3 things happening here.

A) You're CPU is hitting 100c and thermal throttling. If turning on your AC dropped it enough to keep from throttling it was probably running way too hot to begin with. Running your $500 cpu this close to the thermal limits will significantly shorten it's life span.

B) The VRM on your motherboard is getting too hot and it is throttling down the CPU to compensate. Direct airflow on the VRM heatsinks might resolve the issue otherwise you will need a better motherboard to get the most from your CPU.

C) You are hitting the power limit that is set by default in the bios with the CPU at heavier loads and causing it to down clock.
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to be honest with you guys i don't know what made it reach 4.7 Ghz, the only thing i did after posting here is i just returned every thing to default in the bios and enabled XMP. For the temperature i was getting 50 degrees AVG on 4.3 Ghz, and 55 degrees AVG now on 4.7 Ghz.
to be honest with you guys i don't know what made it reach 4.7 Ghz, the only thing i did after posting here is i just returned every thing to default in the bios and enabled XMP. For the temperature i was getting 50 degrees AVG on 4.3 Ghz, and 55 degrees AVG now on 4.7 Ghz.

Download HWinfo64 and Prime95 v26.6 (version is important). Open up HWinfo and check sensors only. Open up p95 and check small FFT. Let it run for an hour and see what kind of turbo behavior is going on and what temps you are hitting. Click on the clock on the bottom of HW info once prime starts running. I can probably help you adjust some settings if it doesn't maintain 4.7 under load. I suspect your CPU thermals are fine. Was what you listed gaming temps?

What is the exact model of your motherboard? I'm pretty sure all prime boards have the same VRM but I can find out more with the specific model.